WPS WPA Tester Premium Apk Free Download 2019

wps wpa tester

Do you want to know if your access point is vulnerable to the WPS protocol? Wifi Wps Wpa Tester is the application you need!

Wps Wpa Tester is an application that helps you check if the WPS protocol of your access point has any vulnerability. With this application, you can perform this check on any network, but it is recommended to use it exclusively on your own.

Wps Wpa Tester is an application with some exciting features. In addition to helping you check the security of your access point, it also allows you to see all the passwords of all the wifi networks you have connected to from your Android device.

Wps Wpa Tester Premium APK

Now hack android device without root with WPS WPS Tester Premium APK. Premium version included: Download it from here.




Test if your wireless network is secure or not!

Thanks to this application and thanks to the default WPS algorithm (zaochensung) SOME of the routers, you can receive the WPA WPA WPA2 WEP adjusted to the router.

The application needs superuser permission (root); otherwise it only shows the WPS by default.

Algorithms used:

– … Zhao.

– … Vodafone Arcadyan.



– Added the default pin of many routers

How to get access to wifi networks

Security is essential, and today our digital world is in many ways a shelter, a kind of space in which we develop daily, showing a significant facet of our lives. For this reason, keeping our privacy and our data protected is a primary issue.

The truth is that just like the digital world has many advantages that we take advantage of on a day-to-day basis, there is also a darker face and that those who want to access our data are always on the lookout, taking advantage of the multiple failures and vulnerabilities that could be in our systems, as is the case with wifi.


The security of our wifi networks

Wifi networks are today the most common connection point that people have with the internet; through them, a great deal of information of all kinds is moved, and among so many data that we mobilize daily, many of these are private. Indeed, no one wants their personal information to enter the hands of malicious strangers.

Understanding the importance of the security of our wireless networks, multiple tools designed for monitoring and security management have emerged so that we are aware of the vulnerabilities of our wireless and wifi networks. Each of these tools ensures the protection of data on our computers and passwords.


The tool that we present today is a necessity for those who have at their disposal a wifi network, being unique for our homes and work environments. WIFI WPS WPA Tester seeks to improve the security of our systems. However, it can also be used to determine if a third-party network has vulnerabilities that allow our access.

WPS WPA Tester to protect us

We can use this application for Android to assess the vulnerabilities present in our network. For this, the application analyzes the WPS protocols denoting if any security flaw allows access; in this way, we can take the necessary measures to strengthen our security.

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Wifi WPS WPA Tester to get access to wifi networks

On the other hand, WPS WPA Tester is useful for accessing wireless networks with security flaws, which makes it easier for users to access nearby wifi. The tool takes advantage of failures in old encryption systems so that it manages to access some networks; in any case, it is fair to indicate that this does not work with all networks. You can download the app in the following link.

How does it work?

To use the application, follow these steps:

Run the App

Select that network in which the symbol is green or yellow, press Yes.

Click on connect automatically, trying with all pins.

Wait for it to complete and verify if network access was obtained.

As you will see, the wifi WPS WPA Tester tool is quite useful both to verify our privacy and to access wifi networks with security problems. In any case, we recommend all users to use the tool ethically.


To use the application correctly, you will need to have a rooted device, and the ‘busy box’ application installed. If not, some of the features will not work.

With this application, you can test the connection to AP with the WPS PIN.

PINs are calculated with many algorithms:





And other default PIN of MANY Access Points. Then NOT ALL AP ARE COMPATIBLE WITH THIS APP.

The application needs root permissions for devices with Android version <5.0 (LOLLIPOP). For devices with Android = 5.0, you can try the PINs with this application and connect, BUT YOU CANNOT SEE THE WPA PASSWORD (“WEP”) WITHOUT ROOT PERMITS.

Test the security of your wifi (WPS)

If you can connect to your wifi network using WPS (wifi Protected Setup), it is possible that your router or your box is vulnerable because of a default PIN code that an attacker could easily find.

To find out if this is the case, there are 2 Android applications that are capable of testing the fragility of your wifi network if WPS is active. However, I would remind you that it is perfectly illegal to “test” the security of your neighbors’ wifi network. These applications should only be used with your hardware, otherwise, Bernard will put you in jail.

The first is called wifi WPS WPA Tester and integrates a list of default pin codes and different algorithms capable of finding these PIN codes.

The second application is called WPS Connect and does much the same thing except that you will need a rooted phone to run it.

If your wifi router is vulnerable to this, I therefore strongly recommend that you disable its WPS functionality so that you no longer have to worry.


Does your neighbor have a very good but protected wireless connection? Can’t give you a wifi password? So let me tell you that you can hack the word from its wifi network in less than a minute with your Android Smartphone. WPA (wifi Protected Access) is a mechanism for securing wifi type wireless networks. It was created in the early 2000s in response to the many weaknesses of WEP.

WPS (wifi Protected Setup) is a mechanism that allows you to connect to a secure wireless network in WPA / WPA2 without entering the password, just by pressing a button (with an icon that looks like the Refresh button browser) on the router.

The WPS is vulnerable, it will allow us to find the passwords of WPA wifi networks very easily with its Smartphone. So here’s how to do it.

How to hack a WPA / WPS wifi network with Android


  • Android with version> 4.0
  • Android with ROOT Access (Otherwise see How to root your Android)
  • Download Busybox
  • Download Terminal Emulator (To find out what Terminal is here.)

Steps to hack a wifi network with WPS WPA Tester

NOTE: Tutorial for informational purposes.

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Step 1: Download and install WPS WPA Tester.apk

Step 2: Open the application, click on the wifi icon (above) to update the available wifi networks.

WPS WPA Test Good wifi signal

Step 3. All available networks which will have a small green padlock (WPS / WPA) are vulnerable.

Step 4. Before hacking it, the signal from this network must be at most -75 (the lower it is, the better it is, for example, –50 is a very good signal compared to -80), you as much as possible from the router.

Step 5. Click on the vulnerable network

Step 6. Click on “Try to Connect (root)”

WPS WPA Tester Try To connect

Step 7. Choose the first PIN first then click on “Try to connect (root)”

WPS WPA Tester Choose PIN

Step 8. In less than 10 seconds, you should see the password displayed on the screen and you will be automatically connected to the network.

WPS WPA Tester wifi Network Password

Step 9. If this does not work, therefore the signal is weak, move closer to the router. And try again with all 3 PIN codes in step 7.

You have finally learned how to hack a WPS / WPA wireless network with your Android. If you liked the tutorial, share it on social networks by clicking on the buttons below.

Apps Are Similar to WPA WPS Tester


It has a user-friendly interface that you would love while cracking wifi passwords. You just have to select the network and then press No custom PIN.


It is another application that works with networks that have WPS encryption. The interface is very simple where a green ticket means that you can decrypt the password and with a red ticket and in the form of X it means that you do not decipher the key of that wifi Network.

Router keygen

Router Keygen is a popular application that has evolved, but basically This app helps you to obtain wifi keys from networks that have not changed their password, this is with a default password. When you start the app, it will tell us which networks it supports and which not after doing a scan around us. Download Keygen Router

WPS connect – Decrypt Wifi Keys

WPS Connect is extraordinary compared to other Android applications to unscramble wifi keys from your versatile. This application works with numerous switches, simply download this application on your telephone and quest for the wifi arrange. You can likewise see the wifi secret word spared from this Android application.

Note: This application just works with the WPS security of the Wireless Network Card.

Wifi WPS Wpa Tester – WPA Keys

On the off chance that you are a client with an Android Root portable and need the best applications to discover the wifi organize key, download this application on your telephone. With the assistance of this application, you can hack the wifi coordinate with a protected secret word.

Be that as it may, this application doesn’t work with all switches. You can unscramble remote systems with WPS and WPA keys.

Wifi Kill – Disconnect Intruders

One of my favorite applications for wifi network hack. You can disconnect other devices from the wifi network connected with the help of this application. You can also see what other users are browsing to find intruders in their wifi network.

Wifi Inspect – Audit Network

Root consent is required to run this application on your versatile. WiFinspect is a multi-instrument for PC security experts and other propelled clients who wish to control the systems they claim or have consent, that is, the application is a security review apparatus and not a hacking device.

ZAnti Penetration Testing Android Hacking Toolkit

Zanti is a set of mobile penetration testing tools for Android. You can check the vulnerabilities in your wifi network with this application on your phone. If you are an ethical hacker or IT professional, then this is an indispensable tool for your Android mobile. You can hack any wifi network with the help of this application.

The application comes with no guarantee.

Fing Networks Tools – Android Network Audit

Fing is an expert application for arranging investigation. It has a basic and natural interface that encourages you to assess security levels, interloper identification and take care of system issues.

You can likewise check every MAC address of the gadget and the name of the supplier.

Arpspoof – Analyze Packages

Arpspoof is an open-source device for arranging to evaluate. Use bundles from the neighborhood organize by communicating counterfeit messages. Arpspoof shows the bundles that exploited people are sending to the gadget however doesn’t spare them. On the off chance that you mean to investigate the bundles, at that point, you should spare them by running TCP dump.

Kali Linux on Android – Ethical hackers and IT professionals

But only a few Android mobile users know that you can install this operating system on your Android mobile. From the installation of Kali Linux on your Android, you get dozens of wifi hacking tools on your Android mobile.