STD Screening ICD 10 – How to prevent it?

std screening icd 10

Every year, at least 20 million people worldwide are infected with STIs. About one crore of them is between 15 and 25 years of age. Let’s find out some essential facts about this. Unnecessary fear, ignorance, or hesitation about sex or sexually transmitted diseases increases the danger. So, it is essential to have a good idea about STD screening ICD 10.

Sexually transmitted diseases can lead to cancer, blindness, congenital disabilities. And even death. Several recent studies have shown that the prevalence of sexually transmitted infections is increasing worldwide. Every year, at least 20 million people worldwide are infected with STIs. About one crore of them is between 15 and 25 years of age. Let’s find out some vital information about STD screening ICD 10.


Causes of Std screening ICD 10

HPV or Human Papilloma Virus is a type of virus spread through sexual contact. And it is responsible for various kinds of cancer. For many, the virus can last for years without any symptoms.

Although it is recommended to use condoms for safe sexual intercourse. It is not 100 percent secure. Condoms can protect against all sexually transmitted diseases that are usually spread through liquids. For example, gonorrhea, chlamydia, or HIV. But condoms effectively prevent all sexually transmitted infections such as syphilis, herpes, and HPV.

Most people have the idea that it can spread sexually transmitted diseases only through physical contact. But in reality, this is the biggest misconception about sexually transmitted infections. Herpes or genital warts can also be spread through skin contact.

If you are involved in regular physical contact should be tested at least once a year.

Most sexually transmitted diseases are completely cured with proper treatment. But neglecting treatment can increase the risk of HIV in the future. The trouble is much higher, especially for those who have syphilis, gonorrhea, or herpes.

Discharge from the genitals, burning sensation in the urine, pain. Or bleeding during sexual intercourse. Pain in the lower abdomen, bleeding through the rectum. And throat infection. If you see any of these symptoms, you must get tested for sexually transmitted diseases. And consult a doctor because these are some of the main symptoms of STD.


Prevention of std screening ICD 10

Preventing adolescent HIV infections is an excellent strategy for slowing the AIDS pandemic. About a third of the 34 million people infected with HIV worldwide are between 10 and 24. Most parts of the world, it is adolescents. And especially young girls, who are the victims of new cases of this type of infection. 

In sub-Saharan Africa, for example, a substantial number of pregnant adolescents are HIV-positive. According to Dr. Willard Cates, president of FHI and specialist in sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). About a third of the 333 million STD cases occur each year. Excluding HIV is seen in young people under the age of 25 years. Otherwise,

“Young people,” says Dr. Cates, “are more likely to adopt and continue safer sexual behaviors than are their elders. In whom the sexual behaviors are already entrenched. The decrease in adolescents’ infections will ultimately reduce the number of conditions in all age groups. All of which means that it is well worth targeting adolescents through prevention efforts. “

However, many of the complex and interrelated factors that predispose adolescents to STDs cannot be changed quickly or easily. In many places, lack of education, unemployment, and poverty is the cause. Also, urbanization tends to disrupt family relationships, relational networks. And walls and, at the same time, increase the opportunities for having sex.

Suppose adolescents tend to postpone their first sexual intercourse in some places. In others, on the contrary, they take the plunge very early. It is essential to know because adolescents have their first sex at a young age. They are much more likely to have relationships with high-risk partners or with multiple partners. They are also less likely to use barrier contraceptive methods, such as latex condoms, which offer some protection against STDs. 

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Case study of std screening

An analysis of adolescent risk-taking studies from several developing countries. They reveal that children in Zimbabwe have had their first sexual intercourse as young as nine years old. In Chile, a third of young people said they had had sex before their 15th birthday. This analysis also revealed that young Cambodians started their sex life earlier than in the past. In Costa Rica and Colombia, she highlighted young people’s tendency to expand the repertoire of their sexual practices.

What increases the risk of STDs in adolescents of both sexes is their lack of information about sexuality. And the prevention, symptoms, and treatment of these diseases.

Of the 1,000 students interviewed in a survey in Karnataka, India. About a quarter mistakenly believed a vaccine. And treatment for HIV infection, four and half of the 970 Nigerian high school students. They surveyed did not know HIV causes AIDS. 5 According to a survey of more than 300 students in the United States. The majority of respondents did not know much about the human papillomavirus (HPV) or its transmission or prevalence. However, this infection is the most common STD in this age group and the leading cause of cervical cancer. 6


Risk perception

Even when they well informed about STDs. Teens often turn a deaf ear when counseled to reduce their risky behaviors. For example, some young people fall into a high-risk category. But they do not adopt lower-risk behaviors. Because they mistakenly believe that they are not mainly expose to any danger on this front.

Knowing your sexual partner well often leads young people to think that the risks are more diminutive. According to a Malawi study, they convinced young girls that they unlikely to have sex with a boy. Whose mother knew their family according to studies in the United States. Adolescents assume that the prevalence of STDs was lower among their close friends than among other young people. And they surprise when they infected by someone they knew. 

Likewise, a study in the United States of about 200 college students. Here found that irregular condom use strongly associates with the belief. That they did not infect their sexual partners with HIV or another STD. These people base their opinions on a simple perception. They said they “knew” their partner’s sexual history. Or that they “just knew” that their partner was safe. 

“Students represent a highly educated segment of the population.” Observes Diane Civic, author of the study report. “However, simply believing that a partner is safe does not tell the person about their status about STDs, including HIV. Likewise, knowing a partner’s sexual history does not guarantee the absence of disease.”

Besides, the perception of risk may become blunt as the relationship matures. For example, half of the 200 American students interviewed for this study. They used a condom regularly during the first month they had sex with the same person. But this use became less frequent over time.

Another factor that affects perceptions of risk cited by Dr. Cates of FHI, “the tendency of adolescents who date the same person regularly. They are to worry about protecting themselves more against pregnancy than against the risk of pregnancy. STD. The more they rely on oral contraception, the less they use condoms. The best way to protect yourself against both pregnancy and STDs is to use dual protection. In the form of a male condom and an effective female method of contraception.”


Access to condoms and the skills it takes

To avoid contracting an STD, adolescents must have the skills and confidence to abstain from having sex. Or to use condoms consistently and correctly.

“Even boys have to learn to say ‘no’ too risky relationships,” writes Fred Otimgu, a student at St. Joseph’s College in Layibi, Uganda, in a recent issue of the student newspaper Straight Talk. Which encourages young people not to hurry. to have sex, or to use a condom. “When I suggested to my friend that we put on a condom and she refused. I broke up because I was too worry about HIV and STDs.”

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Correct and consistent use of latex condoms is the most effective way. To prevent STDs in sexually active and high-risk people. In many places, condom use among adolescents is on the rise. 

Most young people aged 16 to 22 participated in focus group discussions. That organized in South Africa as part of a marketing initiative reported. They are not using condoms because they did not have them. The majority of the 78 participants did not dare to ask for it at a pharmacy or dispensary. 

Many of them said they tired of hearing that they weren’t suppose to have sex. Or refused condoms because the person in charge of distributing them was lecturing them. Place” recounts a young man with HIV, one of the facilitators of the focus group discussions.

For this reason, he later explain in an interview. “Condoms should make available to young people where they like to hang out, to pass the time. Also, most participants said that they would prefer to buy condoms from people their age or younger. Rather than someone their parents’ age. 

They would also like to get condoms from vending machines. Which you could install in playrooms, public toilets, nightclubs, Internet cafes, or record dealers.”

Another problem is the lack of experience in the use of condoms. Because they are often unfamiliar with this method. And they are apt to have spontaneous sex. Adolescents may have difficulty anticipating this possibility and putting on a condom on time. 

Peer pressure can play on a young person in the sense. That it can encourage or discourage condom use should not be minimized. “The desire to heal his brand image seemed to outweigh the risks.” 


FAQ of Std screening ICD 10

  1. When to test for STDs?

Sexually active women age 25 and under need to be tested every year. Although it is easy to cure, if left untreated, chlamydia could make pregnancy more difficult. Anyone sexually active can get gonorrhea, an STD that causes infections of the genitals, rectum, and throat.

  1. How to test for STDs?

Urinalysis: To do it, you have to urinate into a container. Mouth swab: you rub the inside of your cheek. With a soft cotton swab to test for HIV. Blood test: your doctor or nurse will draw blood from your arm. Or give you a quick puncture (small prick) on a finger

  1. What types of diseases are in cytology?

It used primarily for cervical cancer screening and detects cancerous or precancerous cells from both the cervix and vagina. You can order it in conjunction with a specific test for high-risk HPV serotypes that can cause cervical cancer.

  1. What can we see in cytology?

Vaginal cytology is a study of the cells involve in a woman’s uterus. The uterus and spatula gently scrape the uterus to introduce.


Conclusion of std screening ICD 10

Adolescents at high risk may also refrain from engaging in lower-risk behaviors simply. Because they are at a point in their life when it is particularly tempting to take risks. Many think they have nothing to lose, or they feel invulnerable. And they convince that they cannot lose. 

Still, others very easily influenced. A young person interviewed for a field study in Kenya sums it up as follows. “For young people of the new generation, sex is fashionable. It’s macho to sleep with a woman. Even if we go out just for a drink, it ends in bed. We end up sleeping together, and that’s how it is.

Concluded the young man with HIV who had participated in facilitating the focus group discussions. “If it were too embarrassing, too boring, or too stupid to get a condom or use it. The young people would rather do without it.”