Who Qualifies to Buy an Adobe Creative Cloud Student Subscription

an Adobe Creative Cloud

Are you a student? Do you depend on an Adobe Creative Cloud for doing artwork and design? If so, you are probably curious about the eligibility criteria you need to meet to qualify for the student subscription. 

Students are eligible for getting up to a sixty-five percent discount on an Adobe Creative Cloud by signing up for a pre-paid annual plan. The same discounts apply to educators as well. Proof of eligibility is required on the part of students, such as providing an official email address issued by an educational institution, a school ID card, a report card, or a course tuition bill.

Read the information below to discover who’s a good match for such a subscription.

How much does an Adobe Creative Cloud cost for students?

Students can purchase the Adobe CC as a discounted promotional plan for $19.99 a month during the first year. Once the promotional period of twelve months is over, the price rises to $29.99 on a monthly basis, which is approximately half the standard package price of $52.99 per month for regular users. 

By using the pre-paid annual plan, students can pay $239.88 a year. The Adobe CC educational version works in the same manner as the regular version. After completing your college or school studies, you can still continue working with the same products. 

Who is considered eligible for the Adobe CC student subscription?

Individuals are obliged to meet a series of criteria to be considered eligible for such a subscription. The main requirement is for students to be at least thirteen years of age. The first requirement to comply with is being a student at an accredited private or public university/college, which provides degrees equivalent to two-year studies. The college can be a community, vocational, or junior. 

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If you aren’t old enough to attend college, you can still qualify by being enrolled in an accredited private or public primary or secondary school. Another eligibility criterion to meet in order to qualify for the 65% discount is studying in a homeschool. Nevertheless, the home school should be compliant with homeschooling regulations imposed by the state. This article reveals some tips for choosing a homeschooling curriculum. Another way to qualify for this subscription is by being enrolled in an Adobe-certified course like LogoCore. 

Naturally, students have to provide proof of eligibility to qualify for Adobe CC’s discount. Fortunately, this proof can be easily provided by signing up with a school-issued or college-issued email address. The email addresses of educational institutions in the US usually end with .k12 and .edu or perhaps with other domains sponsored by them. By using such an official address during your sign-up process, there should be no problems qualifying for the discount. 

In case you haven’t got an official email address to provide, or you end up providing an email address that cannot be verified, you are entitled to ask for additional eligibility proof after the purchase is made. The proof you submit must be issued by the educational institution where you study. The document should contain your name, the name of your institution, and the current date. 

Some examples of enrollment proof include a report card, a school ID card, a course tuition statement or bill, or a transcript. Those studying in a homeschool can submit a letter copy of their intent to homeschool, an ID of their current membership in a homeschooling association, or proof of curriculum purchase for the ongoing academic school year. 

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What does Adobe CC include?

Creative cloud is a collection of over twenty creative applications for mobile, web, and desktop, which provide professional tools for video, photography, UX creation, designing, etc. Some of these include Adobe Lightroom, Animate, After Effects, Illustrator, Fonts, Document Cloud, Experience Cloud, and others. There are numerous student software subscription sellers, such as the Learning Curve Academy, whose goal is to inspire learning. Students interested in creating something visual will find all the necessary tools to address their requirements. 

Moreover, the subscription program doesn’t mean that you’ll be the owner of the software but only a user. Once you stop making your monthly payments, you’ll no longer be able to access the apps within the software. Adobe CC apps are well integrated, thus providing users with a chance to switch between them at any time. 

Adobe Illustrator is the first choice of designers for designing infographics, logos, and infographics. Conversely, Adobe InDesign is used by a large number of digital designers for the purpose of creating page and layout designs. This app is suitable for creating digital magazines, eBooks, posters, interactive PDFs, etc. 

After Effects, on the other hand, is a software program for visual effects and motion graphics that can add motion to any item on your desktop. Numerous video editors turn to this app for adding animation and special effects to their videos. Adobe Lightroom is software for organizing photos and image manipulation of great assistance to students who need to edit photos in bulk.

Although Lightroom is more limited in view of features compared to Photoshop, it edits photos by using various premium presets, super-resolution, multiple filters, etc. This site, https://photographylife.com/how-to-use-lightroom-a-tutorial-for-beginners, explains how to use Lightroom. Adobe Animate is a software program for 2D animation helpful for animating banners, avatars, cartoons, etc. 

To sum up

Current students should use the opportunity provided by Adobe CC to get a discount on their app package!