A house fire can be a devastating experience. Not only do you lose your home and all of your possessions, but you also put yourself in danger if you’re not prepared. In this blog post, we will discuss six tips that will help you stay safe in case of a house fire. Follow these tips, and you’ll be able to protect yourself and your family from the dangers of a house fire!
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House fires are not as rare as you might think
According to the National Fire Protection Association, there are an estimated 350,000 house fires in the United States every year. That’s almost one thousand per day! And these fires cause billions of dollars in damage and thousands of injuries each year. Because of this, not properly preparing for this emergency would be a bad choice. Even if you feel like you are safe, make sure you have a plastic water tank, fire extinguisher, and emergency food and water stored in your home. All of these things, among many others, will help you have a proper reaction in case you fall victim to a house fire. Furthermore, you should always aim to leave the building as quickly as possible.
#1 Install smoke alarms
Smoke alarms are one of the best ways to protect yourself from a fire. Make sure you have smoke alarms installed on every level of your home, inside bedrooms, and near sleeping areas. Test them on a monthly basis. Most importantly, make sure you replace the batteries at least once a year. Smoke alarms are important because they help you know when there is a fire in your house. These alarms are sensitive to smoke, and as soon as a certain amount of smoke enters the device, the alarm will go off. If you have this, and the alarm does go off, contact your local firefighter station and try to stay safe.
#2 Have an escape plan
When a fire starts, you will only have seconds to get out of the house. That’s why it is so important to have an escape plan in place. You should map out two ways to exit every room in your house and make sure everyone in your family knows the plan. You should also practice your escape plan regularly so that everyone knows what to do if a fire does start. Just in case, you should also be familiar with CPR, in case you are not alone in the house. On the other hand, you want to make sure that your emergency exit is not blocked by anything, or have things that might slow you down. Remember, your emergency exit should allow you to leave the room in seconds.
#3 Never go back inside
If you are caught in a house fire, never try to go back inside for any reason. Once you are outside, stay outside. It might be tempting to try to save your possessions, but it’s not worth putting yourself in danger. The biggest danger of staying inside the fire is that the fire will continue to grow, and you will become trapped. Maybe entering the home quickly might seem harmless, but these flames can quickly jump from one part of the house to another. Most importantly, the toxic smoke the fire releases can quickly fill up a room. This can later make it harder for you to breathe and even look. If you are caught in a fire, try to stay near an exit so you can make your way out quickly.
#4 Be aware of your surroundings
There will likely be a lot of smoke and debris in the air, so it is important to stay low to the ground. If you can, cover your mouth and nose with a wet cloth to help filter the air. It is important to stay calm during a house fire. This will help you think clearly and make sure everyone gets out safely. If you are feeling overwhelmed, take a few deep breaths and focus on following your escape plan. Generally speaking, it is best to evacuate the house as soon as possible. If you find yourself in a situation where you are trapped, do not try to break through windows. The heat and smoke can be too much for you to handle. Instead, wave a white cloth or towel out the window to signal for help. Once you have done this, stay near the floor, where the air is cleaner and cooler. The fire smoke is actually building up from the top of the building and slowly falling to the bottom.
#5 Keep your fire extinguisher nearby
A fire extinguisher is a vital tool in case of a house fire. Make sure you have one that is easily accessible and that everyone in your family knows how to use it. If a fire does start, try to stay calm and use the extinguisher to put out the flames. Remember, always aim at the base of the fire! That way, you can prevent the direct source of the house fire, as well as prevent additional smoke from occurring. If you do this right, not only will you be able to prevent the fire from spreading, but you will also ensure you have enough time to get out safely from the home. Most importantly, using the fire extinguisher early can help you avoid any major damage or potential risks.
#6 Store emergency food and water
If you are ever caught in a house fire, the chances are that you will not have time to grab your food and water. That’s why it is so important to store emergency food and water in your home. This will help you stay hydrated and fed while you wait for help to arrive. Hence, it would be best that you keep your emergency food and water close to the exit door.
Of course, make sure you call emergency services right away
As soon as you leave your home, call emergency services. They will be able to provide you with further instructions and help put out the fire. In the meantime, try to stay calm and follow the tips we have provided. Firefighters, as well as police officers and medical workers, will come shortly, to provide you with adequate assistance in this matter. Generally speaking, you should avoid playing the hero in this scenario, as things can quickly take a turn for the worst.
Now that you know these 6 tips, make sure to share them with your loved ones. It is important for everyone in the family to be aware of what to do in case of a house fire. Remember, stay calm and focused if a fire does start, and try not to panic. This will only hinder your ability to think clearly and get yourself and your loved ones out safely. If you have any other questions or want more information on how to prepare for a house fire, please don’t hesitate to reach out!