Earplugs are a common ear disease. It formed due to an abnormal accumulation of earwax in the bottom of the external auditory canal. It causes various unpleasant sensations: pain, feeling, blocked ear, hearing loss, etc. Here is the method of how to get rid of earwax.
You should remember two fundamental points in the presence of an earplug:
- Do not try to extract it yourself with an object.
- Avoid any liquid solution in the ear canal in case of perforation of the eardrum or otitis.
In addition to these precautions, cerumenolytic and cerumen-dispersant ear solutions can gently remove a plug. If the obstruction turns out to be a severe condition, go to the specialist or an ENT Doctor. However, doctors recommend suitable ear solutions as a preamble to this procedure since they facilitate extraction. So, let’s see how to get rid of earwax.
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How to get rid of earwax?
Doctors strongly recommend that, not to attempt to remove an earplug using a cotton swab. Or an improvised instrument (key, rod, pen, paper clip, etc.).
Likewise, you should avoid the “grandmother’s remedy” of pouring olive oil. Or baby oil down the ear canal to unblock an ear. However, it could cause dermatitis.
Ear solutions are available in pharmacies. They present as being able to destroy earwax plugs. They are sometimes indicated in preparation for the doctor’s intervention. And help evacuate pieces of the earplug after its fragmentation.
There are two main types: seawater-based solutions and cerumenolytic solutions.
– The seawater-based solutions prefer for hygiene and prevention of earplugs.
– Cerumenolytic solutions (which lyse cerumen, which dissolves it) separate into two categories. Those comprising an agent which will break the internal bonds of the plug, fragmenting it.
And those which will soften and lubricate the earwax. Thus facilitating its expulsion, in particular after rinsing with lukewarm water using an ear bulb.
It is imperative that the eardrum not pierce before using an ear solution. It containing emollient or cerumenolytic agents.
Different methods to get rid of earwax
First of all, be aware that do not try to remove an earwax plug yourself with any object. Whether it is a cotton swab or any other improvised tool.
Remove an earwax plug with an ear solution
Warning! In case of otitis or perforated eardrum, do not use an ear solution treatment.
Except in exceptional circumstances, it is possible to treat yourself at home and gently. Suitable ear solutions exist. Available in pharmacies, they can remove a plug of earwax.
For an effective treatment, n prefer aqueous solutions containing well-tolerated surfactants. That is allowing the dissociation of the constituent elements of the earwax. And the dissolution of these fragments.
These surfactants’ action on the earplug will cause an emulsion. Which will naturally and quickly evacuate to the outside of the external auditory canal.
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Note that treatment with a suitable ear solution may be insufficient in some cases where the obstruction is too severe.
However, it recommends having it extracted by a specialized practitioner. Note, however, that this solution’s use will not have been useless.
It will have reduced or at least softened the earwax plug. Which will facilitate the extraction that the doctor will perform.
The extraction of the earwax plug performed by a doctor
Despite the use of a suitable ear solution, the symptoms are still there. Do not delay. Make an appointment with a practitioner so that you can get rid of your earplug.
How is it going to happen? The doctor will perform a mechanical intervention. Depending on the obstruction’s size, different practices exist irrigation, curettage, suction, etc.
Remember that cerumenolytic and cerumen-dispersant ear solutions are useful for preparing for this procedure. And facilitating the extraction of the earplug.
Ask your pharmacist, doctor, or ENT doctor for advice. Also, keep your ears clean regularly.
The first thing to do to avoid building up a plug of earwax? Adopt regular ear hygiene. Clean your ears twice a week with a suitable solution.
It helps to regulate the amount of earwax present in the external auditory canal. And prevents it from accumulating there.
Avoid the cotton swabs to prevent the formation of earplugs. And participate in the n accumulation of earwax in the bottom of the ear canal.
To properly clean your ears, prefer an aqueous solution. Which ideally based on seawater.
Its benefits on the body are numerous. Did you know that sea salt has cerumenolytic properties?
The function of earwax is to clean and lubricate the ear canal. And it n flows naturally through the canal’s opening into the hole of the ear.
Under the influence of both external and internal factors. It cannot remove earwax properly. There is a risk of a plug of earwax forming. However, it can cause hearing loss, buzzing, pain, and dizziness.
These symptoms generally disappear without complications as soon as the blockage resolve. However, it is necessary to remove the cerumen plug. And subsequently prevent its appearance. Pharma GDD takes stock of the issue. And gives you advice on how to take care of your ears.
What is earwax?
It is undoubtedly with its waxy texture that it owes its name. Like etymologically, “cerumen” comes from the Latin word cera, wax. Its repulsive appearance n does not bode well for pathology. However, earwax production is perfectly natural. And normal phenomenon.
Earwax secret in the last third of the external ear canal. However, it also called the ear canal. This canal connects the eardrum to the pinna of the ear.
It is bony on the first two-thirds starting from the eardrum. And cartilaginous on the last. It covers entirely with skin.
Which creates dead cells by desquamation when it renews.
In the last third – the cartilaginous part – that earwax is produced by glands called “ceruminous”. It mixes n with the sebum generated by the sebaceous glands.
Earwax uses to lubricate the ear canal. Thus, prevent it from drying out. It also has a protective function, preventing dust, insects.
And other dirt from reaching the eardrum and damaging it. Slightly acidic, it has anti-microbial properties.
Waterproof, it prevents the ear canal from macerating. On the other hand, it does not influence the sounds, contrary to what we have long thought.
Earwax comprises a mixture of dead cells, hair, minerals, amino acids, fatty substances, salicylic acid, hyaluronic acid, and enzymes.
After being secreted by the glands, it migrates slowly (on the order of 2 mm per month). In the ear canal under the effect of the jaw’s movements. It is loading up with debris before extruded into the concha of the pinna.
How could you feel and get rid of earwax?
Among the various ear pathologies, the most common is the earwax plug. Also called a wax plug or earplug. However, it can manifest with the following symptoms:
- Decreased hearing,
- A sensation of the ear plugged up and under pressure,
- Irritation, itching, or pain in the ear canal
- Tinnitus (buzzing) or dizziness
Learn more about the symptoms of earplugs!
How does an earwax plug form?
Occasionally, earwax does not flow naturally from the ear canal. It is then the cause of what is called a “cerumen plug”. Which n also called “wax plug” or “ear plug”.
The causes of such a phenomenon are multiple. They involve both internal and external factors.
For genetic or environmental reasons, some people produce too much earwax. Thus, people working in a dusty environment n would make excess earwax to evacuate the dust.
The same is true with excessive exposure of the ear canal to water. It would cause the same process.
Another explanation is the hypertrophy of the producing glands. Stress and anxiety n would also lead to overproduction. Wearing hearing aids or earplugs is often presented as another cause of too much earwax production.
It is its accumulation that could lead to the creation of a wax plug.
The elimination defect:
Anatomical peculiarities sometimes explain the insufficient evacuation of earwax and the appearance of a plug. A narrow (standard in children) or curved ear canal, the presence of bone growth in the channel, etc.
Too much hair in the ear canal can also trap earwax. And hinder its path, creating the plug.
With age, the glands produce earwax which is drier. It is more challenging, and difficult to evacuate. Combined with the increase in hair growth occurring with aging. However, it helps explain earplugs’ appearance in the elderly.
But the first cause of the creation of a plug of earwax remains the cotton swab or cotton swab. As the earwax is responsible for cleaning the external auditory canal.
Using a cotton swab to remove will only create unnecessary irritation. And above all, potentially generate plugs. However, the cotton swab risks pushing back the earwax more than removing it. Which has the effect of “packing” it and forming a plug. That is the reason why it is generally strongly discouraged by otolaryngologists.
What are the symptoms of an earwax plug?
Signs of an earwax plug usually decrease hearing, a feeling of blocked ears, tinnitus, and ringing. Itching and pain can also occur.
The balance can be affected. The plug causing dizziness when it presses against the eardrum.
The earplug can trigger coughing. And even have heart consequences by activating a branch of the vague nerve. It is a cranial nerve, also called a pneumogastric nerve. However, it divides into chapters, which subdivide into twigs.
One of these branches, the auricular branch, participates in the duct’s innervation of the same name. The plug, an attempt to remove the plug, a cotton swab. Or even the examination with an otoscope can stimulate this branch. This activation will then trigger a cough, vomiting, a slowing of the heart rate. Or even cardiac depression.
The earwax plug sometimes generates a Larsen effect. High-pitched whistling in hearing-aid wearers by returning the device’s sound.
Finally, blocking the doctor’s view, the wax plug prevents him from adequately examining his eardrum.
These effects are temporary and go away after the problem eliminates. On the other hand, if the plug not treats, it generates a condition favorable to infections, particularly otitis externa.
FAQ of how to get rid of earwax
- How to treat a perforated eardrum?
The ruptured eardrum tends to heal on its own in about two months. The doctor may suggest antibiotics to prevent. Or treat the infection and pain relievers to relieve the pain.
- Why do I have a runny ear?
In general, the most common causes of ear discharge are Acute. Like sudden and severe infection of the middle ear (otitis media) with perforation (puncture) of the eardrum. Chronic otitis media (with perforation of the eardrum, cholesteatoma, or both)
- Does the eardrum repair itself?
Yes, perforation of the eardrum is reversible. Since, in most cases the membrane repairs itself. When this does not heal well, an intervention allows to restore the eardrum. And to recover, in part, hearing.
- How does an ear infection appear?
Usually, it appears after a cold or nasopharyngitis. Microbes present in the nasal cavity will go up in the ear. And the eustachian tube and cause an infection. That is why babies and children who cannot blow their noses are frequently prone to ear infections.
Conclusion of how to get rid of earwax
Finally, ear candles are an ancient technique to which we attribute virtues against earwax plugs. The principle is simple: beeswax and natural canvas candle place in the ear.
The increase in temperature would thin the earwax, promoting its elimination. However, these candles would also have a relaxing and detoxifying effect.
The ears produce cerumen, a fatty substance. Whose role is to protect the external auditory canal. And the eardrum against bacteria.
If earwax is useful for our health, it can be harmful. When its quantity is not regulated. If there is an abnormal accumulation in the canal, a plug of earwax can form. And cause the symptoms mentioned above.
Overproduction of earwax or difficulty in the ear to evacuate naturally. However, it causes earwax plug formation to be various.