ICD Code 10 For BPH Associated With Nocturia

icd 10 code for bph

The pathophysiology of Nocturia corresponds to a decrease in bladder capacity, nocturnal polyuria, global polyuria, and sleep disorders. In today’s discussion we will talk about ICD code 10 for BPH.

These nocturnal urinary disorders form a symptom that can have a significant functional impact. That can significantly impact the quality of life of patients suffering from benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). They are generally taken care of by alpha-blockers, with often incomplete clinical results.

Desmopressin is indicated for the treatment of Nocturia associated with nocturnal polyuria. Its combination with alpha-blocker therapy may improve symptom control in men with BPH, but this combination has never been investigated. Let’s know more about ICD code 10 for BPH.

Methodology of ICD code 10 for BPH

The multicenter, randomized, double-blind clinical study included men aged 40-65 with lower urinary tract symptoms. And IPSS score of ≥13, and persistent Nocturia (≥2 per night) despite treatment with alpha-blockers at least eight weeks.

Several exclusion criteria have been defined: diabetes insipidus, recent prostate surgery, uncontrolled hypertension, etc.

The patients included were randomized between treatment with oral desmopressin (0.2 mg at bedtime). Or treatment with placebo for eight weeks.

The main endpoint was the change in the number of nocturia episodes recorded by the patient in a specific notebook.

The secondary endpoints were the proportion of patients with a decrease in the number of episodes of at least 50%. Change in nocturnal urine output, IPPS, nocturnal polyuria index, and improvement in the quality of life (IPSS-QoL and ICIQ-N scores).

Results in a total of 109 patients randomized, and 86 completed the study.

By intention to treat, patients who received desmopressin benefited from a reduction. In the number of nocturia episodes greater than that observed in the placebo group. Like -1.13 ± 0.92 compared to -0.68 ± 0, 79, p = 0.034.

Nocturnal diuresis and nocturnal polyuria index were also significantly improved with the addition of desmopressin. In total, 46.8% of these patients experienced a reduction in the number of episodes of at least 50%. That compared to only 28.2% in the placebo group.

The improvement in the quality of life provided by desmopressin was significant according to the ICIQ-N score results. Those of the IPSS-QoL score were not significant. 82.9% of the experimental group patients declared that they wanted to continue with the experimental treatment. It compared with 61.5% in the placebo group (p = 0.025). (n)

The number of adverse events was similar in the two groups. 15.8% on desmopressin versus 21.2% on placebo in terms of safety. Probably treatment-related events were 12.3% and 9.6%, respectively. These were mostly moderate events, and no serious events occurred in the desmopressin group. (n)

Limitation of ICD code 10 for BPH

It made no distinction in patients according to the nature of the alpha-blocker used. (n)

Besides, limiting the inclusion age to 65, as a precautionary measure. May limit the transposition of these results to an older population. (n)

The duration of follow-up was relatively short. (n)

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Getting up at night because we need to urinate is a situation that most of us can relate to. It mainly occurs as we get older, during pregnancy or because we drink just before bed. However, for some people, these circumstances sometimes cause urine leakage at night. (n)

There are many reasons for your frequent toilet visits during the night (Nocturia). However, certain actions can limit this need to urinate. For example, changing your daily routine to improve your sleep quality. Or changing the type of fluids or times you drink. (n)

Causes of incontinence at night

Our bodies change as we age, and we naturally have to go to the bathroom more often than before. In other words, having to go to the bathroom once or twice a night is normal. The causes are many. So, the bladder of a younger person can hold up to half a liter of urine. (n)

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But as we age and our bladder muscle becomes less stretchy. The normal volume of urine the bladder can hold halves. Another because of our increased urge to urinate as we get older is our reduced ability to concentrate urine. The output of urinate at different times of the day. We explain. The total amount of BPH. (n)

Also, certain lifestyle behaviors can affect the amount of urine you pass, including drinking large amounts of fluids. Finally, coffee and alcohol consumed after supper time may also cause a need to urinate at night. (n)

Medical conditions related to ICD code 10 for BPH associated with Nocturia

Some medications can cause or increase urine output at night. If you suspect that the presence of an underlying medical condition. Or that a medication is causing urine output during your nights, see your doctor. Sometimes a simple change in the schedule in the administration of a drug can help reduce some of its side effects. (n)

Some drugs and diagnoses related to Nocturia:

  • Cardiac and renal disorders
  • Diabetes
  • Diuretic drugs
  • Urge urinary incontinence
  • Insomnia may be the cause of nocturia or urine leakage at night.

Urine is normally produced in greater quantity during our waking time. Which on the one hand means that people with a disease. That keeps them awake have to use the toilet more frequently during the night. (n)

On the other hand, many chronic health problems, including restlessness syndrome of the lower limbs, sleep apnea. And Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases can cause insomnia. Finally, many chronic diseases are also the cause of discomfort or pain. For this reason, treating any underlying medical conditions. And managing the pain properly promotes sleep and thus reduces urine output at night. (n)

What can I do to reduce my bathroom visits at night?

Reducing the number of trips to the bathroom would allow you to improve your overall well-being. And get a good night’s sleep. (n)

Here are some tips that might help:

  • Try to avoid drinking coffee, tea, and alcohol before bedtime.
  • Go to the bathroom before you go to bed.
  • Try to stop your fluid intake two hours before going to bed.
  • If your legs are swollen, wear compression stockings. And elevate your feet in the afternoon. Which may limit your nighttime urination by helping your body to drain fluids during the day.
  • Waking up in the midnight can also trigger the urge to urinate. If you have insomnia or trouble sleeping, solving these problems could reduce urine output at night.
  • If you leak urine at night, use incontinence pads at night to protect yourself.

What is nocturnal incontinence and Nocturia in adults?

There are two types of incontinence nocturnal. Nocturnal incontinence, or bedwetting, is the urination involuntary during sleep at an age. When the person should restrain themselves at night. Do not confuse with Nocturia, which describes frequent urination. In other words, the need to wake up one or more times at night to urinate. (n)

Adult nocturnal incontinence (nocturnal enuresis) and Nocturia

Frequent urination at night and incontinence nocturnal in adults usually have different causes than in children. In adults, nocturnal incontinence is known as bedwetting. The causes may vary – you can find more information on the causes below. (n)

However, usually, urination frequently means that the body makes more urine due to changes in the production of certain hormones. Like kidney problems, illness, or in response to certain medications. That can lead to adult nocturnal incontinence (bedwetting) or the need to go to the toilet once. Or more at night to urinate – a condition known as Nocturia. Note that in older people, it is normal to get up once or twice at night to urinate. (n)

Antidiuretic hormone production

Another factor that causes an urgent need to urinate at night as we age is decreased urine concentration at night. It results in large amounts of diluted urine. The total urine output over 24 hours does not necessarily change. But as we age, more urine is produced at night compared to the amount produced at a younger age. The amount of hormone that signals the kidneys to decrease urine output. (n)

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Nocturia can also occur when the body produces too much urine. Polyuria is the excessive production or evacuation of urine, regardless of the time of day. A healthy adult produces an average of 1 to 2 liters of urine per 24 hours. It depending on the amount of fluid absorbed and the body’s water through sweat. (n)

With polyuria, this amount can increase to 2.8 liters or more. Polyuria can be, for example, a symptom of diabetes, but there may be other possible causes of this condition. You should always contact your healthcare professional if you are unsure and need advice. (n)

Prostate problems

The prostate gland often gets bigger as men get older. As this gland surrounds the urethra, an enlarged prostate may put pressure on the urethra. It prevents the bladder from emptying, leading to more frequent urination at night. (n)

Urinary leakage problems

Bladder problems like-incontinence urge, where the person has a sudden urge to urinate, leading to bedwetting and Nocturia. An overactive bladder can also cause Nocturia. (n)

Heart problems

People with heart problems have less efficient blood circulation. And one of the signs may be swelling of the lower legs. However, the person lies down or elevates their feet. When sleeping or resting, the fluid stagnant in the lower part of the legs goes back into the bloodstream. And it is eliminated by the kidneys. The result is an increased need to use the toilet at night. (n)


A high blood sugar level increases thirst. I was drinking more than normal causes an increased need to urinate. A high blood sugar level causes the kidneys to release sugar in the urine. Which increases the amount of urine and therefore creates a need to urinate more often. (n)

Other causes of nocturnal incontinence and Nocturia in adults

Lifestyle behaviors can affect the amount of urination. For example, I was drinking large amounts of fluids. Caffeine and alcohol after dinner can also lead to the need to urinate at night.

How to treat nocturnal incontinence and Nocturia?

There are several things you can do to treat the symptoms of Nocturia on your own. For example:

Reduce the number of drinks before bed

Try not to drink too much, too late at night, without reducing the recommended daily amount of fluid absorbed. Which is 6 to 8 glasses or 2 liters. It’s more about when you drink, not the overall amount. (n)

Limit Your Coffee

Intake Coffee, tea, and other drinks that contain caffeine can irritate your bladder and interfere with your sleep. Try to limit your drinking of these types of drinks. (n)

Elevate swollen ankles

If you have swollen ankles, sit or lie down with your legs elevated for about an hour each day. Wearing stockings for varicose veins can also help. (n)

Control the medications you take

Certain medications can cause increased urination and Nocturia. Ask your healthcare professional if this may be the case. Under no circumstances should you stop taking your medication without consulting a doctor first. Medicines and conditions related to Nocturia and bedwetting include:

  • Heart and kidney problems
  • Diabetes
  • Diuretic and sedative medication
  • Overactive bladder
  • Incontinence urinary urgency
  • Reduce the risk of sleep disturbance


FAQ of ICD code 10 for BPH

  1. What happens if BPH is not treated?

Failure to treat BPH can lead to kidney stones, kidney damage, or urinary tract infections in the future. However, it has nothing to do with cancer, timely treatment can prevent various complications.

  1. How long can BPH last?

There are many studies shown that BPH can last for almost five years. You may feel pain and have blood while urinating. Also need to use a catheter for few weeks.

  1. Will BPH go away?

In most cases, BPH doesn’t go away permanently. The treatments can reduce the symptoms but not cure them.

  1. Why is BPH worse at night?

The BPH worse at night because of Nocturia. Nocturia causes bladder problems where the person has a sudden urge to urinate. An overactive bladder can also cause Nocturia.


Conclusion of ICD code for BPH

As we age, the body changes. Among these changes is the more frequent need to use the toilet to urinate. If you’re at a point where you get up once or twice at night to urinate, that’s okay. There are several causes for this. A young person’s bladder can hold up to half a liter of urine. But this amount is usually halved as we age because the bladder muscle becomes less elastic.