Top Most Common Household Products with Sinister Side Effects

In the good old days, people used natural ingredients found in their environment to keep their homes clean and tidy. They also knew that these cleaners were safer for them to use than the harsh chemicals we have today. 

So, what changed over time? Why do you no longer see regular old vinegar in your bathroom cabinet? It’s not because it’s not a good cleaner, it just is more convenient than detergents or disinfectants made from petrochemicals instead of plants or minerals. 

If you’re wondering which everyday household items lurk in your home with sinister side effects on human health, read on.


Shampoos can contain chemicals that are harmful to the skin and hair. Some common chemicals in shampoos include sulfates, parabens, and phthalates. Sulfates and Parabens help to create that lathery feeling you get when you wash your hair, but they can also irritate the scalp and cause dandruff or itching. 

Parabens are a family of chemicals used as preservatives in cosmetics and personal care products. They are one of the most common ingredients in shampoos, body washes, moisturizers, and other personal care products. 

While parabens have been safely used for many years, some people have concerns about their safety. Paraben has been linked to diseases like hormone disruption, infertility, congenital disabilities, and cancer.

Paraben-free shampoos are made without these chemicals, so you can use them if you’re worried about paraben exposure. They’re usually more expensive than regular shampoos, but they may be worth it if you want to avoid this ingredient.

Roundup Weed Killer

Roundup is a famous weed killer made by Monsanto, the largest agricultural biotechnology company in the world. It’s used on millions of acres in North America annually and has been linked to cancer and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma.

There is a Roundup lawsuit, which is a class action lawsuit that was filed against Monsanto, the manufacturer, by people who have been diagnosed with non-Hodgkin lymphoma. The plaintiffs allege that Roundup caused their cancer and seek compensation for their injuries. The average Roundup Lawsuit payout ranges from $5,000 to $250,000.

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The central claim in this lawsuit is that Monsanto knew about the dangers of glyphosate exposure and failed to warn consumers about it. The plaintiffs also allege that Monsanto knew about the risk of developing non-Hodgkin lymphoma from exposure to glyphosate and failed to disclose it to consumers.

Chlorine Bleach

Chlorine bleach, also known as sodium hypochlorite, is a strong disinfectant and bleaching agent. Regarding household products, chlorine bleach can clean laundry and sanitize surfaces like floors or countertops. It’s also commonly used to purify water by adding it to pools or lakes during the summer when people are more likely to swim there.

A typical household bleach contains 5.25% chlorine. Chlorine bleach is toxic if ingested, inhaled, or absorbed through the skin. Symptoms of poisoning include coughing; nausea; vomiting; diarrhea; abdominal pain; dizziness; weakness or fatigue; confusion; excitability; headache, or loss of consciousness if enough has been swallowed.

Hand Sanitizers

The use of alcohol-based hand sanitizers increased significantly as governments and public health agencies worldwide promoted hand hygiene as a precautionary measure during COVID-19. But alcohol-based hand sanitizers have some dangerous side effects that you should be aware of before using them regularly.

While it’s true that hand sanitizers can kill germs on your skin, they also strip away the natural oils from your skin. It leads to dryness, which makes it more difficult for your body to fight off infection if it gets into an open wound or irritation caused by the product itself. And while dermatitis may seem harmless at first glance, it can lead to ulceration if left untreated.

Ant Bait

Ant bait is a popular way to get rid of ants, but it’s also toxic to humans. Ant bait contains borax, which can be found in laundry detergent, toothpaste, and mouthwash. Borax is a neurotoxin that can cause nausea and vomiting when ingested in large quantities.

CDC recommends using non-toxic methods of eliminating ants before using pesticides such as ant baits or other insecticides with ingredients like pyrethrins, propoxur (an insecticide), permethrin, and others.

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Bug Spray and Perfume

If you’re a bug spray and perfume user, take note of the ingredients listed on your product. DEET is a chemical used in many insect repellents that irritate skin, eyes, and lungs. It’s also toxic to fish and other aquatic organisms, which means if you use it while gardening or camping near water sources, there’s a chance your pets will be affected as well.

And while DEET isn’t considered harmful when ingested orally by humans at low dosages over short periods, higher amounts have been linked with neurotoxicity in children under two years old who were exposed via breast milk from mothers using these products during pregnancy.

Self-Tanning Products

If you’re a fan of self-tanning products, you may be surprised to learn that they can cause skin cancer. The active ingredient in these products – toluene, is known to cause damage to the liver and kidneys and to give you an increased risk of developing neurological disorders like Parkinson’s disease.

Other common side effects of this product include allergic reactions and rashes, eye irritation, and even kidney failure when used regularly.

There’s a Lot of Bad Stuff in the Things We Use Every Day

You may not think about the products you use every day as having sinister side effects, but many everyday household items can cause serious injuries. A good example is laundry detergent – if you get it in your eyes or skin, it will burn like crazy, which is not something most people expect from a product that’s supposed to clean clothes.

There are many ways to find out whether a product has dangerous ingredients, including checking labels and websites like EWG Skin Deep. If you think your family member has been injured by something they used at home, talk to an attorney about how best to move forward with legal action against the manufacturer of that item.


As you can see, there’s a lot of bad stuff in the things we use daily. But what should you do if you want to avoid these products? The best thing is to buy organic and local whenever possible so that you know exactly what’s going into your body. You can also look for alternatives that don’t have harmful ingredients like parabens or synthetic fragrances. Another option would be making your household cleaners using plants like lavender leaves or lemon peels.