5 Tips to Build A Strong Brand Identity

Strong Brand Identity

It is crucial to know your own brand identity, but too many businesses ignore this cardinal rule. 

There are many brand-related mistakes an entrepreneur may make, such as overdoing a marketing campaign or not being clear about your products, but having a poorly defined brand identity is likely the most common. Nonetheless, it occurs frequently.

You may have committed problems with packaging that does not match your brand style. A rustic theme may fit marijuana packaging, but the same may not work for a sophisticated skin care brand. 

With that in mind, here are five solid suggestions for creating a memorable and strong brand identity.

1. You’re not selling a product; you’re selling your brand. 

Product-centric marketing may have been the conventional wisdom in the past, but in today’s fast-paced digital environment, you only have around 20 seconds to make an impact. And that’s just not long enough for your product’s quality to shine through.

The impression or perception you cultivate, which is essentially your brand, is what will keep your leads with you long enough to convert to sales. It doesn’t matter how amazing your product is if your brand doesn’t excite customers: they’ll go somewhere else, and quickly. 

2. Your brand should be a reflection of who you are.

Sure, you should consider what a customer would like to see and experience. That is crucial. But it’s also crucial to consider who you are as a company and let that guide your branding and marketing. 

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Why is all your material in an old-school serif font if you’re a web page designer that specializes in simple, modern designs?Isn’t it more logical for your documents to be written in a more modern font like Helvetica? 

These may appear to be trivial choices, but they all contribute to the consumer’s perception of who you are and what you offer. This establishes a positive, authentic relationship between your company and its customers, as well as providing you with important time for that relationship to develop before your customer moves on to a rival.

3. Don’t fall back on gimmicks. 

One last piece of advice, which is more of a cautionary note: don’t use gimmicks to replace hard effort and contemplation. No number of shoddy ebooks, webinars, or SEO methods will be able to salvage you if your brand identity isn’t where it should be.

4. Your art and content play a huge role.

It’s critical to emphasize the importance of your art and copy in forming your brand identity. Let’s imagine clients arrive at your landing page and see a design remnant from the Geocities period, as well as language that touts your company as “specializing in the cross-platform implementation of digital solutions.” They will not only be unaware of what you do, but they will also be unconcerned.

Your landing page should include simple and descriptive language that your potential customers can relate to, as well as a design that follows current UX best practices. This is true regardless of the kind of your firm or its size.

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5. It’s okay to rebrand.

If you find that your current branding doesn’t quite fit, that’s okay. You shouldn’t be scared of rebranding. It’s absolutely acceptable to rebrand, especially if you feel the need to alter your company’s image in the eyes of potential customers. If you rebrand wisely, you won’t scare anyone away; on the contrary, your company will flourish.

We hope that this guide helped you with building a strong brand identity. Let us know in the comments if you have any questions or tips you want to share!