What Does Insulin Do

what does insulin do

It is essential to be interested in the objectivity of the functioning of our body! And insulin helps to function a human body. But many of us don’t know what does insulin do.

Many people use this trend to sell and make fragile individuals believe anything in emotional distress. However, the Weight Loss market is a very lucrative environment filled with lies and manipulation.

And yes, talking about weight gain is, above all, talking about physiology. However, it will allow us to understand. What is happening inside our bodies when we eat such food.

The physiology will also allow us to answer the following question:

“Why and how do we gain weight?”

The target of this article is to teach you the physiological mechanisms of weight gain! This awareness will give you the weapons you need to defend yourself. However, against this cascade of slimming scams. And become a real player in your health again.

What does insulin do?

You will discover the real hidden cause of weight gain. And the crucial role of a particular hormone in the latter.

I will also share with you a great tool that will allow you to quickly know which foods to avoid. And which to promote to regain your ideal body weight and perfect health in the long term.

Stay alert, and awareness is starting.

What is insulin?

It is a kind of polypeptide hormone produced by the β cells of Langerhans’ islets in the pancreas. Besides, Insulin is mainly involved in the glucose (sugar) cycle.

However, its role is to maintain the sugar level present in the blood (glycemia) at a stable level.

When the blood sugar rises a little too much following the consumption of products rich in sugar. Also, it is transporting this excess sugar to the muscles, the liver, and adipose tissues (fats).

It is a hypoglycemic hormone because its role is to lower blood sugar levels.

The role of insulin is vital because having too much sugar in the blood can lead to severe complications. However, it is, what happens when a person has diabetes. It no longer fulfills its hypoglycemic role. Because of a dysfunction of the pancreas or It receptors’ resistance in cells. Consequence: the sugar remains in the blood, blood sugar explodes.

To summarize:

Your body will produce insulin when you eat foods high in sugar. However, it increasing your blood sugar level. Also, it will bring blood sugar to an acceptable level. But this is not without consequences.

Insulin and fat storage: What does insulin do?

As we have just seen, it is responsible for bringing blood sugar. Back to a balanced level by storing excess sugar.

She can store this sugar in 3 ways:

  • In muscle tissue as glycogen
  • In adipose tissue (body fat reserves) in the form of triglycerides (fats)! That is what interests us.
  • Fat cells glycemic index insulin

When you abuse sugar, the first two reserves (muscles, liver) are very quickly saturated. It is mainly fatty tissue that will serve as a sugar reserve.

“I don’t understand… how could sugar turn into fat?”

Sugars / Carbohydrates = Fat!

The body is brilliant! It will be able to “store” this excess sugar in unique bags: adipose tissue.

But for these sugars to get into these sacs, the body must first turn them into fat. And more specifically, into triglycerides. However, this step of metabolizing Glucose into triglyceride takes place in the liver.


The sentence you just read contains an important message that would do a lot of people right:

Taking too much sugar is the leading cause of fat storage. And weight gain (and not dietary fat, as many people still believe)!

More and more researchers sound the alarm. It is not fatty products responsible for weight gain. And the obesity epidemic that affects the world. But the excess of products rich in carbohydrates!

Once we know this, it only remains to make a list of foods. That high in Glucose responsible for an abnormal blood sugar rise. However, that is important because the worst poisons escape our vigilance. Bad sugar often hides where we least expect it! n

It is what two researchers did. David Jenkins and Thomas MS Wolever. They have managed to compile a complete list of the foods. That make us fat the most thanks to a magical tool. The glycemic index. n

However, the article doesn’t finish. But you are free to receive our training on losing fat & health now! n

The glycemic index, a revolution in nutrition

A glycemic index is a tool developed by two doctors. And researchers at the Faculty of Nutrition. n

The glycemic index makes it possible to measure a food’s impact on the increase in blood glycemia. It measures how quickly the sugar in food will diffuse in our blood. n

Indeed, the ingestion of food rich in sugar will cause a more. Or less large spike in blood sugar 30 minutes after consumption. The level of this peak will determine the glycemic index of the food in question. n

The glycemic index (GI) ranges from 0 to 100.

100 being the highest reference which corresponds to that of Glucose (pure sugar). n

There are three levels of GI:

  • 0 to 55 = Low glycemic index
  • 55 to 70 = Moderate glycemic index
  • above 70 = High glycemic index

Definition: What does insulin do?

It is a hormone secreted by the β cells of the islets of Langerhans in the pancreas. In a person without diabetes, it secret continuously. And it regulates, the level of Glucose (or glycemia) in the blood. n

Role and function of insulin

When you eat a meal, it ingesting carbohydrates, your blood sugar levels rise. It causing your body to release it naturally. For a person without diabetes, blood sugar may increase slightly. Then drop to an average level, and Glucose converts into stores and energy. This system does not work well in people who develop diabetes. n

If you have type 1 diabetes, you should inject insulin as soon as you have diabetes. n

What are the different families of “supplied” insulin?

On the market, there are around thirty insulins sold by three pharmaceutical companies: Lilly, Novo Nordisk, and Sanofi. n

We can classify insulins into four categories:

  • Fast insulins
  • Slow analogs
  • Insulin’s delay   
  • Mixtures of insulins

We distinguish the different insulins according to their duration and speed of action. n

It is supplied either in the form of injections (with a syringe or a pen). Or with an insulin pump, a portable device (or more rarely “implantable”). n

With an insulin pump, a mobile device (or more rarely “implantable”), intended to administer it continuously. n

Almost all insulins exist in the form of:

  • injectable pens or syringes
  • cartridges
  • flasks

The diversity of insulins and brands makes it possible to adapt the treatment. And likely to each patient: clinical condition, age, weight, height, lifestyle, etc. n


Whatever your insulin therapy regimen and your profile. The objective remains the same. It is to limit excessive variations in your blood sugar levels throughout the biological cycle. In the meanwhile, 24 hours with alternation of one day and one night

Different injection schedules (1 to 5 injections per day) may be prescribed by your doctor. It depending on your type of diabetes, your needs for insulin, and your lifestyle. n

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A bolus provides it for eating (mealtime. Like a rapid injection of insulin at mealtimes, depending on the number of carbohydrates ingested. n

Corrective insulin, thanks to rapid it injection, corrects your blood sugar level if it is too high. n

Functional insulin therapy

It allows for type 1 diabetes or insulin-requiring type 2 diabetes to adjust your treatment. It is to your lifestyle rather than the other way around. However, it is about trying to reproduce, thanks to it injections. Besides, the natural secretion of the pancreas. Hospital departments often offer functional insulin therapy courses. Check with your doctor. n


In people with type 1 diabetes, the pancreas no longer secretes insulin. People with type 1 diabetes need to supply their body with it to regulate their blood sugar levels. n

It is to allow the body to use the Glucose they eat correctly. Insulin cannot ingest because it would be digested like any food and destroyed by stomach acid. However, it must be injected through the skin to pass into the blood. n

On the other hand, in people with type 2 diabetes, the body secretes it but does not use it properly. Without it, glucose stays in the blood. But consistently high blood sugar levels can cause different types of damage to the body. n


There are two main types of insulin:

Slow-acting insulin usually takes in the morning or evening. It balances blood sugar levels throughout the day. It is the insulin that the body needs to function correctly. n

Fast-acting insulin (or rapid insulin) is the body’s insulin to cover carbohydrate intake from meals. However, this insulin lowers blood sugar in hyperglycemia (high blood sugar level). n


To find the best way to administer insulin for you, talk to your doctor. Indeed, the most suitable method must correspond to both your organization and your lifestyle. n

There are two ways of administering insulin:

The pen

The pen injector fills with insulin. This insulin injects through a small needle by pressing a trigger on the end of the pen. There are fast insulin pens and slow insulin pens. n

The main advantage of the pump is that it can maintain a more constant blood sugar level. The insulin pump also allows more flexible management of daily life. However, the latest generations of pumps can be coupled with continuous glucose measurement. And can thus act automatically on insulin injection to protect the patient from hypoglycemia. n

FAQ of what does insulin do

  1. How to take insulin?

Generally, we place the syringe at the fold’s base, very obliquely. We prick by inserting the needle completely. That release the fold before injecting, and we inject the insulin. However, sometimes, the injection can make at the top of the fold. Then the fold is kept until the end of the infusion. n

  1. What rate for insulin?

The average rate is 6%, and ideally, you should get closer to this figure. A percentage of 7% is the usual target for a young patient. While a rate of 8% is sufficient for an older adult. However, to obtain 7%, the average fasting blood sugar should be approximately <1.20 g / l and <1.40 g / l after a meal. n

  1. When not to give insulin?

It would help if you didn’t use insulin in the following circumstances. A known or suspected allergy to insulin. Or it is to any of the ingredients of the medication; a diabetic coma. Also, low blood glucose (hypoglycemia). n

  1. What is the rate of type 2 diabetes?

What is type 2 diabetes? Diabetes defines as an abnormally high level of sugar in the blood. This level, or blood sugar, must be greater than 1.26 g / l on an empty stomach. During two blood tests a few weeks apart to confirm the diagnosis. N

Conclusion of what does insulin do?

Everyone with diabetes is unique. And the factors that govern their disease and lifestyle impact treatment. Several kinds of insulin are available. They differ in terms of design, function, and cost. Almost all of today’s insulins make by imitating human insulin (synthetic insulins). n

If you have type 2 diabetes, insulin therapy becomes necessary after an inevitable disease progression. When insulin is no longer produced in sufficient quantity by the pancreas (insulinogenic) despite oral treatments. And lifestyle and dietetic measures. n