What is Nutritional Yeast and How to Use it?

what is nutritional yeast

When we talk about yeast, we tend to think of brewers, malt, or the active yeast used to make bread, but nutritional yeast has nothing to do with it. I heard about nutritional yeast a few years ago when I was looking to boost my fertility. And since I’m curious by nature, I didn’t just use it, but I started doing research to find out everything about this magnificent superfood. However, today I am showing you What is nutritional yeast. Let’s know a little more. 

Nutritional yeast is very different from all other yeasts. It is a 100% pure and inactive yeast obtained from a microorganism cultivates on sugar cane and beet molasses. It’s fermentation, washing, and drying process makes it inactive, natural, and completely free from toxins. 

What is nutritional yeast?

The use of yeast is not at all new. It has been used for a very long time. Its history began 5000 years ago. The first to use it was the Egyptians, who use yeast to make their bread, considering it a sign from the gods. Yes, with this bread that rises, as they say, breathtaking! In 1857, Louis Pasteur discovered the principle of fermentation. However, he claimed that the agents responsible for fermentation are yeasts. It was a small revolution. After the Second World War, and following the scarcity that hit the world, nutritional yeast was widely used to overcome food shortages by exploiting the paper and wood industries’ residues.

Nutritional yeast is a substance produced in microscopic culture broth from the Saccharomyces cerevisiae family. Like that, it may seem strange! Yet this substance, when packaged, is an excellent source of vitamin B1 which helps in energy production, normal growth, and maintaining the body’s ability to metabolize nutrients. However, it contains very little sodium and fat.

Usually, it comes in flake or tablet form and has a delicious taste of cheese and toasted hazelnuts.

Although, it grow directly in molasses. The culture of a microscopic mushroom mixed with malt makes it possible to obtain these small flakes after drying. In addition to its excellent source of protein, it is rich in fiber. It is one of the foods richest in group B vitamins, including vitamin B12, often deficient in adopting a vegan lifestyle. 

Not for nothing that people like on nutritional yeast! It has no flaws, only benefits!  

Thanks to its composition, it offers many health and well-being benefits. But beware, to take advantage of it, it is important to choose a quality nutritional yeast, guaranteed to be free of colorings, sterilization products or other unnecessary substances!

Where I find it? 

You can find it in some organic stores, but don’t forget that it must have the label “Nutritional Yeast”. You can also find it on the internet, and here I enclose my two favorite brands: 

  1. Indigo Herbs
  2. Bragg

I found it on the web and in vegetable protein books, but I had never tasted this famous nutritional yeast before. It is a bit like gold nuggets for vegans; it contains up to 50% protein for a minimal amount. Wow! I understand why it is becoming essential in the kitchen, especially since it is super easy to integrate into our usual meals.

In supermarkets, you will easily find it in the form of flakes, but also powder form. Go for a walk in the ” organic ” row. It will be there! I found it easy by going to Provigo and know it is also available from IGA. 

It tastes like nuts and cheese. Yes Yes! The first time I tasted it, I went straight with a spoon in my pot, and I could have only snacked on this all afternoon. However, it’s delicious! 

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It is for this reason that it is easy to use in the kitchen. It becomes an ideal seasoning for salads, soups, croutons, pasta,

How to use it? 

With a delicate taste that resembles a nutty flavor or a little cheese taste, nutritional yeast can sprinkle a little all over your dishes. And for cheese addicts, it is perfect to start reducing the consumption of classic cheeses. Also some recipe you can try with it. You can make delicious evening snacks.

To help you restrain nutritional yeast, I thought I’ll give you a homemade popcorn recipe that is seasoning with it. Also, with freshly ground black pepper and pink Himalayan salt. It’s my favorite evening snack in front of a good movie! If you haven’t tried this popcorn, you will surprise to think that, how easy it is (and above all, much better for your health).

Popcorn with nutritional yeast, Himalayan pink salt & freshly ground black pepper

Preparation time: 10 minutes Servings: About 8 cups  


1/3 cup of popcorn kernels 2 Tbsp. 1 tbsp vegetable oil of your choice (I like using olive oil or coconut oil) 1 tbsp. Nutritional yeast table 1 tbsp. teaspoon Himalayan pink salt Ground pepper to taste 


In a medium saucepan over medium heat, add oil and popcorn kernels. Coat the grains well with oil and cover. Let the beans burst. The moment you no longer hear any noise, it’s ready! Immediately remove the pan from the heat and pour 1/3 of the popcorn into a large bowl. Add 1/3 of the amount of nutritional yeast and salt you have. Pepper. Add the rest of the popcorn and the rest of the nutritional yeast and salt—pepper to taste. Treat yourself! 🙂

I try this recipe of popcorn with nutritional yeast about two years ago. I was with my friends. She had it, but I’m not sure what she cooked, but she hadn’t said it was a seasoning often used in vegan cooking. Her daughter had always been a vegan, so she had learned to use this condiment in her cooking. She gave me a little bit, and I, who love intense flavors, ate almost everything with a spoon! Yes! I had like a little forgotten its existence. Then, I came across the recipe for Cashew Nut Dip that called for it. So I got it again. However, I am even more open-minded to trying new recipes, including cashew parmesan or cashew cheese sauce. It is also good to have vegan Parmesan with cashew nuts. Nutritional yeast this gold powder, with multiple dietary benefits!

Another Recipe idea:

vegetable parmesan made from Energy Feelings Nutritional Yeast Flakes.


1 cup of nuts

½ teaspoon of salt

Two tablespoons of nutritional yeast

Mix everything

This mixture can enhance all your dishes. If you keep the nutritional yeast in a cold place, it will stay for a long time.

When can I advise you to incorporate this superfood into your diet? –  If you suffer from hormonal imbalances – If you want to have beautiful skin and superb hair – If you do a lot of sport and you want to increase your resistance and endurance – If you’re going to boost your fertility or if you are pregnant  – For your children  – To give your digestion a little boost – If you suffer from anemia or a lack of nutrients – If you want to boost your general health. 

Is it nutritious? 

Yeast contains B vitamins, including B6 and the famous B12, essential in a vegetarian diet. It also contains fiber and amino acids. Gluten-free, cholesterol-free, and saturated fat-free. A healthy, beneficial powder that you can consume without moderation! Thanks to its nutrients, it also works wonders for nails, hair, and skin. Nutritional yeast accounts for 50% of its weight, in protein, with 18 amino acids, including the nine essential that the body does not create. 

However, it is also rich in fibers, minerals (zinc, selenium, and iron). Besides, some yeasts may contain choline, or glutathione, which strengthen immunity, or tryptophan, an amino acid precursor of serotonin, which contributes to nervous balance and helps sleep. Thanks to its antiviral and antimicrobial properties, nutritional yeast may help treat candidiasis, chronic acne, loss of appetite, and diarrhea. It can play the role of food that boosts energy and allows athletes to be on top of their bodybuilding game!

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Nutritional yeast with an exquisite flavor.

Its exquisite, suave taste reminiscent of hazelnut or cheese is a delight for vegetarians, with the added flavor of umami, which causes this feeling of fullness. Nutritional yeast is a delectable flavoring that you can sprinkle just about anywhere! It is used in oilseed cheeses, fermented or not, and can replace Parmesan. It is a real delight, a pure pleasure when used to flavor soups, salads and vegetables, cooked or raw, as well as multiple ready-made dishes, And don’t forget the popcorn! What benefits. However, you can use it without any risk. On the contrary, nutritional yeast contains nutrients, mainly folic acid, also called B9, essential for your pregnancy’s excellent progress. Please do yourself a favor and try it! 

Nutritional yeast benefits:

It is also rich in ascorbic acid  (with antioxidant properties),  linoleic and alpha-linoleic acids, and minerals such as zinc and iron. It is also an excellent source of phosphorus, calcium, and B vitamins (B1, B2, B6, B8, B9, and B12).

Nutritional yeast is full of Energy Flakes, or nutritional yeast is rich in proteins, fibers, amino acids (including the nine essential amino acids that the body does not produce on its own). Such as valine and leucine (which have necessary healing properties) or arginine stimulates the immune system.

Sugar-free, gluten-free, lactose-free, soy-free, cholesterol-free, free of fat, sodium, additives, or GMOs, it appreciates enormously with vegans complete in terms of nutrients. 

It has antiviral and antimicrobial properties and promotes feelings of fullness. It contains the Umami flavor, the 5th flavor after the sweet, the salty, the bitter, and the acid.

How to test the yeast?

Four things you will need for this test – yeast, lukewarm water, sugar, and a cup.

For the test, mix one teaspoon of sugar in half a cup of water, mix one and a half teaspoon of yeast in it, and leave it for ten minutes. Within ten minutes, the inside of the cup will take on an east foam-like texture, and the sugar will ferment. If so, you have to understand that the East is usable and okay. If there is no change in the mixture after 10-15 minutes, then the yeast is spoiled, and it can no longer be used.



  1. What is its nutritional value?

Ultra-rich in nutrients, they are also a source of fiber and complete protein! 

Here is, in detail, its nutrients: – The whole group of B vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, B12)  – Iron – Selenium  – Magnesium – Zinc.

  1. What is Energy Feelings Nutritional Flake Yeast?

Nutritional yeast is a  superfood rich in fiber,  vitamins, and minerals that helps regulate cholesterol and strengthen the immune system. 

Also, nutritional yeast flakes make up of microscopic fungi that are heated to high temperatures to activate them. Then they stay dehydrate and then pasteurize.

  1. How to consume Energy Feelings Nutritional Flake Yeast?

Energy Feelings Nutritional Flake Yeast has a slightly cheesy and toasty taste.

Nutritional yeast flakes generally use to make condiments mixed with herbs and spices, pieces of bread, and vegetable “cheese” sauces. You can sprinkle it on salads, pasta, pizzas.

Nutritional yeast dissolves easily and you can use it to fortify soups and creams. In smoothies and juices, as a garnish for breakfast cereals. The culinary applications are practically limitless.

  1. How to know if the yeast is usable?

Is the yeast in your house usable? One effortless way to know this is to test the yeast. The test is a small technique by which it is easy to determine that the yeast in the house is usable. Since it is essentially a living plant, it can easily damage if you don’t keep it in the right place and environment for a long time. If this test shows that the yeast’s fermentation process is active and can create bubbles, then you have to realise that the yeast is good and you can use it.