Side Effects of Green Tea

side effects of green tea

Introduction of side effects of green tea

When you are looking for a healthy, simultaneously popular beverage, undoubtedly green tea places in the 1st position. More interestingly, people accept this excellent healthy elixir drink either as a supplement or just as a drink. However, Camellia sinensis is the plant that is used to make green tea. Moreover, Camellia sinensis has dried leaves and leaf buds that are used to make various types of green tea. Surprisingly, green tea has rich health-promoting compounds. In contrast, there are some side effects of green tea.

When you drink this regularly, it will help lose weight and reduce many serious diseases. Here the diseases include heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. The side effects are iron deficiency, Stomach Disturbance, headache, sleeping problems, and so on. Herein we are going to discuss green tea’s side effects.


16 side effects of green tea


As I have noted, green tea comes with some excellent health beneficial compounds that reduce the risk of many serious diseases. Although green tea has lots of health benefits, green tea triggers some health problems also. In the following, we enlist 16 side effects of green tea.

  • Iron Deficiency


Iron deficiency can happen if you drink too much green tea every day. Too much iron deficiency in the body can lead to various life-threatening complexions. It can lead the way you to iron deficiency anemia. Hemoglobin carries oxygen in the blood in which iron is a part of hemoglobin. In the case of iron deficiency, hemoglobin can’t form, and the oxygen cannot reach the cell level so that you feel tired and cause shortness of breath. Researchers say that a particular alkaloid found in green tea binds with iron and blocks the absorption of iron. Green tea is a good source of antioxidant, and also this antioxidant is liable to inhibit the absorption of iron in your body.


  •  Stomach Disturbance


A healthy and good stomach can gift you a productive day. But if you have the habit of drinking green tea, your stomach may not remain that happy. An alkaloid named tannin is found in the green tea leaves, and this tannin is responsible for increasing the acid level in your stomach. An increase in acid level can cause many complexities like diarrhea, nausea, abdominal pain, vomiting. 

If you like to drink green tea like water, your bowel motility will increase. The caffeine found in green tea shows a laxative effect. That will cause frequent diarrhea. Imagine how hard it is and also disturbing in your workplace when you have a stomach problem.


  •  Headache:


Headache is nowadays a common problem in our daily life. Many things can influence headaches, and drinking green tea is one of them. If you have a migraine problem, then drinking green tea every day is not recommended. 


  •  Sleeping problems:


Caffeine is a compound that causes trouble to sleep. Green tea contains caffeine, but that is much less in amount than compared to coffee. But if you have a thirst for drinking green tea or sensitivity to caffeine, it may cause sleep disturbance. This caffeine acts as a CNS stimulant so that you won’t enjoy a good night’s sleep!


Studies show that green tea contains a compound named l-theanine, which generates calmness in your brain, which is valuable for sleep. But it also influences mental alertness and wakefulness. If you have a caffeine sensitivity, you must drink tea at least 5-6 hours before sleep.

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  • Bleeding Disorder:


If any part of your body cuts, a protein named fibrinogen helps to clot the blood by forming a net-like structure. Drinking green tea can decrease the fibrinogen level in your blood. So, it will take more time to clot blood if anywhere in your body gets cut and bleeds.


Green tea can also decrease triglyceride formation by preventing fatty acid oxidation in your blood. As a result, the viscosity of your blood will decrease and will show complexities. But these blood-related disorders are sporadic that is caused by drinking green tea.


  • Interference with other drugs:


Green tea may interfere with antipsychotics, antibiotics, anticoagulants, and birth control pills. The caffeine in green tea causes Clozapine inhibition, which is an antipsychotic drug. As a result, this drug accumulates in the body and occurs drug toxicity.


Warfarin is an anticoagulant drug that inhibits blood clotting. If you have high cholesterol or a diagnosed block in the body, your doctor will suggest this drug. If you take this drug then never drink green tea because it will inhibit the action of the drug. 

Many antibiotics and birth control pills interfere with caffeine from getting out of the body. As a result, caffeine will accumulate in your body, and you will feel restlessness, fatigue, and an increase in heart rate.


  • Risks in Pregnancy:

During pregnancy drinking, green tea could be harmful to the fetus as well as the mother. The tannin and caffeine of green tea can negatively influence the new-born and cause hypertension to the mother. Studies and experts say that consuming green tea under 200mg is safe and permeable during pregnancy. Another theory says that drinking too much green tea during pregnancy can lead to the premature birth of the new-born. In a study conducted in rats, daily 120-150 mg/kg intake of caffeine leads to the weight loss of the baby in pregnancy. So, at the time of pregnancy, you must consult with your doctor about drinking green tea.


  •  Hypokalaemia:


Potassium is responsible for contracting your muscle to help to function the proteins of your body. Drinking a massive amount of green tea can lead to hypokalaemia, which lowers the level of potassium in your blood. As a result, they can’t help to function your body proteins and cause muscle weakness. 


  •  Liver Problem:


People generally drink green tea to lose weight, and it is organic. But excess consumption of green tea can cause severe liver damage. To lose more weight, if you drink green tea more and more, the contents can accumulate in the liver and can show a hepatotoxic effect. So, you must know the amount like, 3-4 cups per day is enough to get the benefit from it.


  • Convulsive effect and dizziness:


Anything excessive is not good for your health. The caffeine in the green tea decreases the blood flow in your CNS (Central Nervous System) and brain. As a result, you can feel lightheaded, dizzy, or can suffer from motion sickness. In some rare conditions, it may show a convulsive effect.


  • Arrhythmia:


Arrhythmia is called an irregular heartbeat. In some research studies shows green tea as a cause of arrhythmia. But further research is needed to search the compound responsible for this condition. 


  • side effects of green tea blood pressure:


Research shows that low blood pressure can be obtained by drinking green tea, but it has shown an increase in blood pressure in the case of some persons. Among some other studies, one claims that the caffeine in green tea is responsible for increasing blood pressure.  

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Many older people take medication to control their blood pressure. Research claims that green tea can interfere with some blood pressure medications. If you take medication of controlling blood pressure, then you must consult with your doctor before start drinking green tea.


  • Thyroid Cancer Risk:

The catechin in green tea decreases thyroid cancer risk. But Excessive drinking of green tea can backfire. A study by the National Cancer Center shows that in postmenopausal women, consuming green tea can elevate the thyroid cancer risk. 


  • Bone disease:


Consuming excess green tea can lead to bone diseases for some people like a porous bone (Osteoporosis). It can also cause bone decay as the calcium inhibition occurs by the components present in green tea. You must not take more than 2-3 cups daily, but if you take more, then make sure to take calcium supplements. 


  • Frequent Urination:


Caffeine has a diuretic effect on the human body, and green tea contains a small amount of it. Extra green tea consumption per day above 4.5 mg can cause frequent urination and an increase in frequency. 


  • Infertility in Men:


Green tea contains polyphenolic compounds. If it is consumed in higher doses, it can cause infertility problems in men. A study in fruit fly shows that 10mg per ml decreases the reproduction in that fly. In a study, green tea extract was given to some male albino rats for 26 days. After the 26th day, the sperm production and level of testosterone decreased.


FAQ of side effects of green tea

Why green tea is bad for you?

Some report shows that extracts from green tea may rarely lead to kidney and liver-related problems. Moreover, high doses (8+ cups a day) or consuming green tea for a long time may unsafe for anyone. Also, when anyone consumes a high amount of this drink, it may cause side effects because of the caffeine content.

What happens if I drink green tea everyday?

Basically, green tea has rich health-promoting compounds. When you consume this drink regularly, it will help to lose weight and reduce the risk of many serious diseases. Here the diseases include heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. As I have noted, a high amount of consuming may lead to some side effects of green tea like:

  • Consuming excess green tea can lead to bone diseases for some people like porous bone (Osteoporosis).
  • If it is consumed in higher doses, it can cause infertility problems in men.
  • Extra green tea consumption per day above 4.5 mg can cause frequent urination and increased frequency. 
  • To lose more weight, if you drink green tea more and more, the contents can accumulate in the liver and show a hepatotoxic effect.

How can I drink green tea without side effects?

As you may know, green tea has rich health-promoting compounds. When you consume this drink regularly, it will help to lose weight and reduce the risk of many serious diseases. Here the diseases include heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. As I have noted, a high amount of consumption may cause some side effects. So, a better consumption amount will be 3 to 5 cups per day. That amount will not cause any severe problem; instead, it will reap the most health benefits.

What is the best time to drink green tea?

According to some studies, morning and prior to workout sessions are considered the best time for consuming green tea. It will be better if you commence your day by drinking a cup of green tea instead of coffee. Similar to the coffee, you will get some amount of and L-theanine and caffeine.

Who should not drink green tea?


Though green tea contains caffeine, it may cause headaches to some certain people. Moreover, people having migraines can drink this beverage occasionally. If you are suffering from regular headaches, you have to keep aside the green tea. Furthermore, the caffeine-sensitive person should avoid consuming green tea.

Final Thought of side effects of green tea

Naturally, unlike coin’s both sides, all the beneficial items have some drawbacks. Likewise, green tea has both health beneficial compounds and some side effects. Hopefully, you can understand those side effects of green tea and some suggestions also.