High Systolic Low Diastolic

high systolic low diastolic

What is ISH?

While measuring blood pressure, the doctor estimates the amount of pressure. In fact, that pressure produces from the person’s arteries with each heartbeat. Besides, the measurement provides two numbers. The first one is systolic blood pressure. The other is diastolic blood pressure. If these numbers exceed the standard figure, that results in high systolic low diastolic. At then, the patient has a risk of heart attack and stroke.

But what happens when a person’s systolic blood pressure is higher? Also, with the diastolic blood pressure in stable condition? Or during the high systolic low diastolic?

The medical scientists state this condition as ISH (isolated high systolic low diastolic hypertension). Of course, it is a matter of concern. Because ISH is like other types of high blood pressure. Moreover, ISH may affect a person to the risk of stroke or heart attack. Also, that condition has a link with other conditions like hyperthyroidism and anemia.

Isolated Systolic Hypertension or ISH is a common type of high blood pressure. Moreover, this condition is mostly seen in people age over 65. The American College of Cardiology states that ISH is likely to uplift the risk of death. Which is in young, adults, and heart disease patients.

The Causes Behind the high systolic low diastolic?

Before describing high systolic low diastolic, let’s clarify “what is blood pressure?” Generally, the blood pressure indicates two things:

  • The number of blood pumps by a person’s heart in every minute.
  • The exerted blood pressure on the artery walls.

Interestingly, our artery’s natural elasticity loses by age. Then it becomes less able to accommodate blood rush. Moreover, a fatty deposit named plaques can block artery walls. Also, it can cause the stiffening of the arteries.


Blood pressure

Naturally, the systolic blood pressure tends to increase with age. Surprisingly, scientists find no reason behind high blood pressure. 

However, to develop ISH, you will find some medical condition as the cause. Those medical conditions may affect the circulatory system. Besides, it may damage blood vessels or be liable to artery thickening. In brief, here you will find some of these conditions:


When a person suffers from red blood cell deficiency, it fails to carry oxygen to the tissues. As a result, the red blood cells can’t function properly. Thus anemia occurs. From the various types of anemia, iron deficiency anemia is the most common type.  

Moreover, the blood vessels can be damaged. The reason behind is the heart has to put extra pressure to pump blood to the tissues to supply enough oxygen. 


Diabetes will cause when the glucose amount rises in a person’s blood. Surely, you may hear the insulin controls blood glucose levels. There are two types of diabetes like type 1 and type 2 diabetes. As a result of type 1 diabetes, your body doesn’t produce insulin. Also, you will come to know about type 2 diabetes. It happens due to the use of insulin poorly. Moreover, when the glucose level reaches a high position, it may lead to many problems. That is added to the heart and circulatory system. 



Hyperthyroidism, in another sense it is called overactive thyroid. It happens when a person’s produced thyroid hormone exceeds the natural amount. Here the surplus hormone may affect the body’s almost all organs. Also, it includes the heart and circulatory system.

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Obstructive sleep apnea

In short, obstructive sleep apnea happens during sleep. It happens when a person’s throat muscles block the airway while sleeping. Eventually, that condition will result in breathing stop and start again. When the breathing stops, the blood oxygen levels can drop. After that, obstructive sleep apnea may hurt the cardiovascular system. It results in increased blood pressure. 

Complications of ISH

If a person fails to control the blood pressure level, it will damage that person’s arteries. Moreover, high blood pressure can affect a person’s various body parts. Besides, it can uplift the following conditions’ risk. 

  • Stroke.
  • Heart attack.
  • Heart failure.
  • Kidney disease.
  • Aneurysm.
  • Dementia.
  • Vision loss.

Systolic vs. diastolic

As I have mentioned, there are two numbers in the blood pressure reading. At first, systolic blood pressure. Then diastolic blood pressure. A question may arise like what does these number actually implies?

Obviously, the first number shows the person’s systolic blood pressure. Especially, It measures the pressure amount placed on the artery walls during heartbeats.

Besides, the second one is the person’s diastolic blood pressure. And it means the measurement of a person’s artery wall’s pressure between heartbeats. 

Some discussion on readings the high systolic low diastolic

Millimeters of mercury (mm Hg) is used to measure the blood pressure. As a matter of fact, medical scientists classified blood pressure into different categories. For instance :

  • Normal: In this category, the systolic lies below 120 mm Hg, and the diastolic lies below 80 mm Hg. 
  • Elevated: In this category, the systolic lies between 120–129 mm Hg. Besides, the diastolic lies below 80 mm Hg.
  • Hypertension Stage 1: Here, the systolic lies between 130–139 mm Hg and the diastolic lies between 80–89 mm Hg.
  • Hypertension Stage 2: Here, the systolic lies in 140 mm Hg or above, and the diastolic lies in 90 mm Hg or above. 
  • The hypertensive crisis:  In this category, the systolic lies higher than 180 mm Hg. The diastolic lies higher than 120 mm Hg. 

ISH (isolated systolic hypertension) is usually seen in 140mmHg or above. And the diastolic pressure lies below 90mmHg.  

What will be the Treatments?

ISH (due to high systolic low diastolic) treatment is similar to the other forms of hypertension. The aim is to keep the systolic blood pressure level below 140 mm Hg. Undoubtedly, a patient can control the blood pressure level. Surely by bringing changes in lifestyle, medication.  

Moreover, the treatment is for balanced the blood pressure level. You must keep that in mind. That means lowering the systolic blood pressure. But not lowering the diastolic blood pressure level. Because lowering the diastolic blood pressure than normal may damage the heart.

If any condition causes or relates to the ISH, you have to consult with a doctor for treatment. 


In the meantime, a study led on elderly adults with ISH. Surprisingly, it shows that some medication has a great result. Moreover, those medications can decrease the risk of cardiovascular issues and stroke.

  • Calcium channel blockers: It blocks the pathway that causes blood vessel constriction. Also, it helps to relax the walls. 
  • Thiazide-like diuretics: It helps the person’s kidneys more sodium and water. It leads to reduced blood volume.  

Here are some suggested drugs. But those have less efficacy. However, those drugs may help treat high systolic low diastolic (ISH). Without further ado, let’s see those in the following. 

  • Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors: This drug fights against some specific enzyme. This works by blocking the formation. Note that that particular enzyme narrows the blood vessels.
  • ARBs (Angiotensin receptor blockers): A specific enzyme that narrows the blood vessels. Besides, the ARBs block that enzyme’s action. 

Lifestyle changes

The medical practitioner suggested bringing changes in the patients. Those who have a high systolic low diastolic lifestyle. Furthermore, those lifestyles include:

  • Reduce weight: If you reduce your extra weight, it will lower the blood pressure level. If you lose two pounds of weight, your blood pressure will decrease by 1mmHg. 
  • Used to with a heart-healthy diet: Lifestyle change has a helps to reduce the diet’s sodium amount. Here you can consider the Dash diet. It is connected to the people aiming to reduce hypertension.
  • That chat includes vegetables, whole grains, low-fat dairy products, and fruits.
  • Exercise: Exercise is an excellent way to lower blood pressure. Also, it includes controlling weight and stress levels. So, you can do some aerobic exercise for 30 minutes daily.
  • No alcohol: It is better to quit drinking alcohol. Because alcohol leads to various dangerous diseases. 
  • Quit smoking: Smoking is liable to uplift the blood pressure level. At the same time, it causes many health problems. 
  • Stress Control: You may hear the stress is responsible to raise blood pressure levels. That’s why it is necessary to find a way to relieve stress. There are two useful techniques among many techniques to lower stress. For example, meditation and deep breathing exercises. 
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What will be the Prevention?

Our discussed lifestyle changes will help you to control high systolic low diastolic (ISH).

Besides, you have to consult with a doctor. That consultation is necessary to manage any previous health conditions. That may link to high blood pressure. For example, if you have diabetes, you have to be careful about that. Because it affects blood pressure. 

Moreover, it will be better to check the blood pressure at home. So, manage a blood pressure machine. Furthermore, it will help you to keep your eyes on the blood pressure outside of the routine checkups. 

When you should see a doctor

The symptoms related to high blood pressure are silent. Also, many people don’t get that until consulting with a doctor. If you still haven’t contacted a physician, you may try apps to find one in your area. Some particular apps are available in the play store. 

Luckily, you will find the home blood pressure check to keep yourself updated. Some people with the following things must keep themselves updated.

  • Those have a family history of high blood pressure. 
  • The person with overweight or obese.
  • Smokers
  • Pregnant women.

It will be better if you keep a record of your blood pressure reading. However, don’t take your home blood pressure checkup as a substitute for a doctor’s visit. If you find the blood pressure reading high, you have to give a doctor a quick visit. 


Why is my systolic high and diastolic low?

High systolic blood pressure indicates isolated systolic hypertension. Moreover, the diastolic blood pressure will remain regular at that time. That condition may happen simply. Besides may lead to various health conditions. For instance, diabetes and anemia. However, the ISH has to be treated even though you find the diastolic pressure is normal.

Is 140 over 70 a good blood pressure?

According to medical science, below 120/80 is considered normal blood pressure. Whereas before normal is below 140/90. 

Why would my systolic pressure be high?

There lie various medical conditions behind the high systolic pressure. It leads to such problems. Under those problems, you will find the following diseases. 

  • Overactive thyroid or adrenal gland.
  • Anemia.
  • Obstructive sleep apnea.
  • A malfunctioning aortic valve.
  • Kidney disease. 

Is it worse to have high systolic low diastolic or diastolic?

Scientists found that both numbers have equal importance. Those are necessary to check a person’s heart health. However, most of the study related to this shows a bigger risk of stroke. Also some heart disease due to higher systolic pressures.

What does a low diastolic indicate?

Low diastolic pressure means coronary artery pressure. A person with low diastolic pressure means his heart has blood and oxygen deficiency. The doctor indicates that condition by ischemia. Notably, chronic and low-level ischemia is likely to weaken the heart. Also, gradually lead to heart failure.

The bottom line

Hopefully, we have given all details we found about high systolic low diastolic. If you have any queries, you may feel free to ask in the comment box. You will find a quick reply.