Time tracking for MacOS and Linux

Time tracking for MacOS

The operating system market is far from being as homogeneous as it seems to the average consumer. Despite the fact that the familiar Windows firmly holds the leading positions, each year the share of Linux and Mac OS users is steadily increasing.

Monitask developers take into account global and local trends: that is why version 8 of the complex will support these operating systems. The innovation will remove a number of significant limitations in the field of monitoring and controlling the work of employees.

While the segment of users who prefer all possible versions of Linux is not that large, the mass adoption of Ubuntu by enterprises and commercial organizations may change the picture dramatically. Tracking the actions of employees who have access to sensitive information is a key management challenge that can be addressed by expanding the range of operating systems on which controls can be deployed.

We should not forget about system administrators, the main users of Linux, who, thanks to their knowledge and skills, turn into “technobogs” in many companies. By controlling data flows, IT specialists can get access to almost any information. As long as such employee is loyal, there should be no problems. But what happens if he or she decides to harbor a grudge against management or is tempted by an attractive offer from a competing company?

According to statistics collected by Monitask, 7.8% of data leaks were due to malicious actions of system administrators. Of course, compared to the number of insiders in the sales department, the figure is not too impressive. However, damage caused by hostile actions of IT staff, in 9 out of 10 cases, is much more extensive than damage caused by moles from other departments.

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Time tracking for MacOS users is a corporate solution, because this OS, like Windows, is usually implemented en masse, across the entire organization. At the same time, almost every modern company has employees who break out of the team and prefer MacOS.

Today, more than 10% of the world’s population use this particular operating system. It is easy to find admirers of “apple technology” among programmers, designers and freelancers of all stripes.

Monitask will allow the company management to take control of those departments that were previously out of the reach of monitoring systems.

Malicious insider work among programmers is not very common: the chance that they will “leak” information to competitors, while remaining in the company, is low. However, almost 80% of employees in this specialty dream of reaching the heights of Steve Jobs or Elon Musk and are happy to spend their working time on developing personal startups. Some of them can be code, for which the employer has already paid. If the programmer suddenly gets an offer from a competing company, the management should be prepared that 95% of the paid-for development work will leave with the employee. Developers are not too shy about copying sensitive data to the cloud or GitHUB.

A dismissing designer is not that dangerous, since he/she has no access to the information ensuring the company’s strategic advantage in the market. However managers are unlikely to be delighted with the fact that practically all graphic products will fall into the portfolio and will be freely accessible. Though designers are seldom harmful for business, it is vitally important to control them: this particular caste of personnel is fond of doing “left” projects during working hours.

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Last but not least, the segment of users that will be monitored by Monitask is freelancers and workers who prefer their hardware with Mac OS installed.

Monitoring of such personnel not only solves the issue of valuable data protection, but also makes it possible to implement transparent and clear criteria for evaluating the performance of remote employees. Such a move will help implement the “win-win” principle and is beneficial for all parties to the process. Employees can plan their day and form a flexible and convenient schedule. In this case, the number of tasks performed and time resources spent will be fixed. However paradoxical it may sound, but modern digital systems enable the staff to realize the dream that seemed utopian yesterday: to work less and get more.

For the manager, the use of control systems becomes a kind of shield, guaranteeing the safety of trade secrets and ensuring that freelancers perform their tasks in a quality and timely manner.