How To Use iOS 14 – A Total Guideline For The Beginners To Use This

How to use ios 14


People all over the world are becoming tech lovers nowadays. As a result, they always try to get the best tech product for themselves, such as iPhones, iOS, iPads, and many more. We can say, people are going mad over the Apple phones. Apple has always released exciting phones. So, whenever they release a phone or a gadget, people go crazy over that. Lastly, they have released iOS 14in 2020’s September. To help the beginners with this, we have brought a new article named “How To Use iOS 14 – A Total Guideline For The Beginners To Use This.”

What is iOS 14?

“How To Use iOS 14 – A Total Guideline For The Beginners To Use This” is a new article that we have with us today. This recent article is about the different types of procedures of using iOS 14 easily and many more about iOS 14. People all over the world love iOS. We can say, people are going mad over the Apple phones. Apple has always released exciting phones. So, whenever they release a phone or a gadget, people go crazy over that. But, there is a problem. What is that problem? The problem is the operating system of iOS. So, most people do not know about the easy using process of iOS. That is the reason they face many problems. For this reason, we are here with this writing so that it can help you a bit. So, stay tuned till the ending.

We are here to talk about the different procedures of using iOS 14. In this new article about iOS 14, we will present every helpful system to use iOS 14 efficiently. In this recent article, we will talk about many things, such as the features, the uses, the procedures, and many more things. Here, we will start this write-up with the iOS 14 and will end this with the systems. So, let’s not wait for more. Therefore, let’s start with this section now. 

So, what is iOS 14? iOS 14 is the latest release of the iOS mobile operating system. Therefore, Apple Inc has developed it for their iPod /touch and iPhone lines. They set it as the successor to the iOS 13. So, Apple Inc announced it in 2020’s June at their Worldwide Developers Conference that year. They released it to the public in September 2020. 

How to Use iOS 14

We have a new article named “How To Use iOS 14 – A Total Guideline For The Beginners To Use This” with us today. This recent article is about the different types of using iOS 14 easily and many more about iOS 14. People all over the world love iOS. We can say, people are going mad over the Apple phones. Apple has always released exciting phones. So, whenever they release a phone or a gadget, people go crazy over that. But, there is a problem. What is that problem? The problem is the operating system of iOS. So, most people do not know about the easy using process of iOS. That is the reason they face many problems. For this reason, we are here with this writing so that it can help you a bit. So, stay tuned till the ending.

We are here to talk about the different procedures of using iOS 14. In this new article about iOS 14, we will present every helpful system to use iOS 14 efficiently. This recent article will talk about many things, such as the features, the uses, the procedures, and many more things. Here, we have started this write-up with the iOS 14 and will end this with the systems. So, let’s not wait for more. Therefore, let’s start with this section now. 

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Now, it is time for the main thing of this writing. How to use iOS 14 is the main thing of this writing. So, if you are a beginner, you have to be careful about the features. The main thing is the features of this iPhone. If you can learn all the features and their control, then you are ready to use iOS 14.

How to Use iOS 14 – Features 

“How To Use iOS 14 – A Total Guideline For The Beginners To Use This” is a new article that we have with us today. This recent article is about the different types of procedures of using iOS 14 easily and many more about iOS 14. People all over the world love iOS. We can say, people are going mad over the Apple phones. Apple has always released exciting phones. So, whenever they release a phone, or a gadget, people go crazy over that. But, there is a problem. What is that problem? The problem is the operating system of iOS. So, most people do not know about the easy using process of iOS. That is the reason they face many problems. For this reason, we are here with this writing so that it can help you a bit. So, stay tuned till the ending.

We are here to talk about the different procedures of using iOS 14. In this new article about iOS 14, we will present every helpful system to use iOS 14 efficiently. In this recent article, we will talk about many things, such as the features, the uses, the procedures, and many more things. Here, we started this write-up with the iOS 14 and will end this with the systems. Now, it is time for the features. So, let’s not wait for more. Also, therefore, let’s start with this section now. 

So, we will talk about the features and learn descriptively about these in this section. Therefore, let’s start.

  • Home Screen Widgets
  • Picture in Picture Support
  • Back Tap Custom Shortcuts
  • Orange & Green Status Bar Dots
  • App Library
  • Third-party apps for email & browser defaults
  • Using the compact call interface
  • Alarm changes
  • Pin text messages
  • App Clips
  • Siri changes
  • New Maps Features

Home Screen Widgets

First, in the list, we have the home screen widgets. So, the home screen widget is the headline feature of iOS 14. Apple Inc is promoting this feature currently with this latest release of the iPhone. They introduced this feature a decade ago. But, now it has been marked as the biggest change for the iPhone operating system.

Picture in Picture Support

Second, in the list, we have the Picture in Picture Support. So, Picture in Picture Support is one of the greatest features of the iPhone for several years now. You will get this feature on iOs 4 also and it will work similarly to the iPad. 

Back Tap Custom Shortcuts

Third, in the list, we have the back tap custom shortcuts. So, the back tap custom shortcut is an official accessibility setting. This feature allows you to activate an unlimited volt of different shortcuts by just using a double or triple tap. So, you will get a huge number of advantages from this feature. 

Orange & Green Status Bar Dots use ios 14

Fourth on the list, we have the Orange & Green Status Bar Dots. So, the Orange & Green Status Bar Dot is a new, subtle and private feature that you will get on iOS 14. This feature helps you with the control of the uses of microphone and camera.

App Library

Fifth on the list, we have the App Library. So, the app library is kind of a manager for the apps. It is like a fully new way to organize, control and manage your apps on iOS 14. But, there is an interesting thing about this feature. It is only for the iPhone, you won’t get it with any of their iPads.

Third-party apps for email & browser defaults

Sixth on the list, we have third party apps for email & browser defaults. So, the third-party apps for email & browser defaults are a big change for iOS. It is the first time when Apple has opened an option for defaults.

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Using the compact call interface use ios 14

Seventh on the list, we have the compact call interface. So, the compact call interface is a new and exciting update. It is one of the highly requested features for many years. After all of those requests, lastly, Apple has added this to the iOS 14. This feature is also available on iPads.

Alarm changes

Eighth on the list, we have the Alarm Changes. So, the alarm change is one of the hottest topics of any discussion nowadays as millions of people use this regularly all around the globe. So, they have brought some changes to the alarm in iOS 14.

Pin text messages use ios 14

Ninth in the list, we have the Pin Text Messages. So, the Pin Text Message is a great improvement of messages that we will find on this. On this iPhone, we will see a huge number of improvement of message options such as group photos, mentions, inline replies, the ability to pin messages up to 9, and many more.

App Clips

Tenth on the list, we have the app clips. So, the app clip is one of the new and major features you will get on this. App Clip is here to help you with not downloading a full app as you can experience it earlier with the clip. This feature is kind of slow as it requires many things to work such as location, built-in developments, and many more.

Siri changes

Eleventh on the list, we have the Siri changes with us. So, the Siri change is a new experience for all. You will feel a little weird when you use Siri for the first time on this. Because it had a whole moderation before adding with this.

New Maps Features

Twelfth or the last in the list, we have the new map features. So, the new map has some amazing features to offer you. Some of the features are curated professional guides, cycling directions, and many more.

Similarities or Dissimilarities with use ios 14

We have a new article named “How To Use iOS 14 – A Total Guideline For The Beginners To Use This,” with us today. This new article is all about the different types of procedures of using iOS 14 easily and many more about it. People all over the world love iOS. We can say, people are going mad over the Apple phones. Apple has always released hyped phones. So, whenever they release a phone or a gadget people go crazy over that. But, there is a problem. What is that problem? The problem is the operating system of iOS. So, most people do not know about the easy using process of iOS. That is the reason they face many problems. For this reason, we are here with this writing so that it can help you a bit. So, stay tuned till the ending.

We are here to talk about the different procedures of using this. In this new article about this, we will try to present every helpful procedure to use it easily. So, in this new article, we will talk about many things, such as the features, the uses, the procedures, and many more things. Here, we have started this write-up with this and will end this with the procedures. Now, it’s time for anything else. So, let’s not wait for more. Therefore, let’s start with this section now. 

So, there are many questions about the similarities and dissimilarities with the iOS 13. iOS 13 was one of the most hyped iPhones released ever. People went crazy all over it. So, there are some similarities and also some dissimilarities but it is quite advanced than the iOS 13.

FAQ on How to Use iOS 14

Question-1: What is iOS 14?

Answer: iOS 14 is the latest version of Apple Inc. 

Question-2: What are the features?

Answer: There are many new features such as Siri change, alarm change, etc. 

Question-3: How to use it?

Answer: You have to be careful about all of the features and their controls.

Question-4: When did Apple launch it?

Answer: Apple launched this in 2020’s September.

The Conclusion to How to Use iOS 14

This is a new article named “How To Use iOS 14 – A Total Guideline For The Beginners To Use This,” where we have discussed all the processes to use this. We also discussed all of the features that you will find using this. So, in this article, we tried to help you with the easiest way. Thank you for being with us.