Procedure For Indane Gas Online Booking From Phone

indane gas online booking

Online gas booking is now growing steadily over the past years. Several factors have facilitated this to happen indane gas online booking, and one is to help reduce the hassle that people go through when going to dealers themselves. LPG or Liquefied Petroleum Gas is one of the commonly gas used for cooking in many households, especially in India, and there are several reasons with this. The government of India has regulated this gas as the safest gas that any household should use for cooking. Using LPG has its advantages, and some include; the gas burns consistently than other fuels, therefore, making it more reliable.

Also, the cost price of this fuel is so low indane gas online booking thus cheaper making it easy for anyone to be able to buy it. Liquefied Petroleum Gas is considered one of the cleanest fuels meaning that the gas contains less Sulphur in its components; therefore, the gas does not cause much pollution. Many prefer gas because it has a high heating value.

All these and many others are some of the reasons why many Indian households consider using this as efficient gas to use.

So why would people have to book for their gas refill online?

Over the past years, there has been an increase in the number of people using the LPG gas, and when the number increases, that means a tedious process when booking. Before online booking came, people needed to go to physical distributor stores and book their gas, and you will find a long queue of people waiting for their turn to the book. Therefore, there are instances where people would book their gas and end up not receiving them for some reason. First, the distributors would book gas for a vast number of people, and it becomes hard for them to satisfy the demand. Secondly, there were instances where there we no accurate data for people who wanted the gas, which led to the gas being taken to different places.

The drawbacks that the people experienced when dealing with booking the gas is what lead to the formation of the online booking systems. In India, there are three national LPG suppliers, and that is the Bharat Gas, HP Gas, and Indane Gas. All these companies have come up with an online booking system that solves all the worries that the customers go through when trying to book their gas. In this article, we will discuss the procedure of using the Indane Gas online booking system from your phone.  

Procedure For Indane Gas Online Booking System

Indane Gas online booking system is one of the most popular methods that you can use to book your gas online. To book the gas, firstly, you will need to download the application that will require you to make the book easily. This system is so easy as it makes it hassle-free than going to the dealership to get you gas. You can find the application of Indane Gas in Google Play Store, where you can download the app and start your registration easily. Once you fill all the required information, you can begin using the Indane Gas online booking system. Booking the Gas is easy as the app has a very straight-forward way that allows you to make the booking to the type of dealer you want.

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I will show you two ways which you can use to easily make the book on your phone using a mobile app and the other using an SMS service.

For a mobile app, it’s so simple;

All you will do is log in to your account and request your second cylinder. Here you will identify the dealer around your area, and you will need to enter your contact information and the consumer number. After that, you can select book which will instantly book the gas cylinder for you.

For those who do not have a phone connected to the internet are not also left out to this crucial need of the gas. India gas also offers SMS booking, and it’s easy to book your gas; all you need to do is follow a simple procedure. To book with SMS you will need to forward the following to the IVRS number of your city. The IOC to the IVRS number for your area. For example, if you are customer from Chennai and the distributor’s phone number is 25022890 and the customer ID is AX00867C. Therefore, SMS as given below – IOC 044 25022890 AX00867C. That’s how simple you will be able to book your gas with an SMS if you don’t have access to the internet or smartphone.

Features Of Indane Gas Online Booking

Manages Customers Information

One feature of the Indane Gas online booking system is its feature of carefully managing the customer information. Customers provide a lot of information about their contact, where they live, and even their credit information, which Indane Gas online booking manages carefully. This feature is excellent as it allows the customer to retain their information there so that they can use it next time when ordering.

Monitors Transactions

Back in the days, several things made it so hard for the companies to keep track of how the gas booking was made. Indane Gas online booking helps you keep track of all the gas transactions that you make, therefore making it easier to get your product delivered without hassle. When you monitor a transaction, it means that even if your product gets lost along the way, you can easily get a refund fast.

Integrates The Records of Delivery

When you get the gas you had ordered, you will need to confirm that you have received the product. The impressive feature that Indane Gas online booking offers is the ability to monitor all the deliveries that you get. As we did point earlier, the reason why physical booking was a challenge is a result of customers not getting the deliveries. Therefore, Indane Gas online booking ensures that they are transparent to all the customers by integrating the feature that records all the deliveries.

Provides The Search Facility

One remarkable feature about the Indane Gas online booking is the search facility that it integrates. We all know how hard it’s to find anything by searching through a whole pile of stuff on the internet. There are so many gas dealers, and the ability to search for one that you physically want is an excellent thing. This feature allows you to easily search for a local dealer and get to place your booking easily. 

Ability to Edit Information

The other epic feature in Indane Gas online booking is the ability to add and remove your personal information easily. For example, if you happen to move to a different city, you will need to change the information that is on the site. Changing this information or adding more is so simple, and it will not take you long to do that. This feature is essential as it offers you complete control of all your data.

Simple User Interface

The other feature of Indane Gas online booking is the simple user interface that the mobile app has. One thing that everyone likes is the ability to navigate through the site and make a booking easily. The interface of the booking app is straight-forward and does not require you to go through a long process to figure out what does what. This is the feature that sets Indane gas online booking apart as people can easily figure out on their how-to book. r This and many more functions that the app has is what makes Indane Gas booking an ideal gas dealer that you can use for your next bookings.

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Advantages of Indane Gas Online Booking

Safe And Convenient

The one significant advantage of using Indane Gas online booking is how safe and convenient the system is. Back in the days, you had to book a gas from a dealer physically, and this could take so many days to get to you. This is not what you want if you happen to want the delivery to get to you as soon as possible. The worst part is that there were chances that the gas could not get to you as there was no tracking and thus could inconvenience you a lot. When using the Indane Gas online booking system, the customers are sure that their product will get safely to them. There are several measures that have been put in place, making it easy for you to track, and if you don’t get the gas, you can dispute a claim and get a refund.

Easy Payment Method

The other awesome thing about Indane Gas online booking is it offers the users to use any payment they are convenient with. For example, if you happen to use a credit card, you can easily pay using that or any other method that you add. This advantage is epic as the consumers will easily pay for the gas booking, and they are also able to track their delivery. The payment method makes it easy to keep track of all your payments, unlike the physical one, which you can happen to lose a lot of your track record.

Book Refill At Any Time And Anywhere

The good thing about online booking is the ability to book a refill at any time and anywhere you want. This is convenient as you are able to work and still be able to make your refill at the same time. Before this system came up, people had to figure out how to go to physical dealership locations to make a book that was stressful. This was not ideal for a number of reasons as some people could be at work and they had no time to go to book them. Thanks to this online booking system as it allows you to book the refill at any time and anywhere easily.

Track Your Delivery

There is no awesome thing that you get from the Indane Gas online booking, like the ability to track your delivery. We had seen how some dealers are not transparent in their deliveries back then before online booking came. Today, the company allows you to track your gas delivery right from the dealer to your door. This system is good as you will ensure that you do not lose your product and not get a refund, which can put you in losses.


To conclude, the Indane Gas online booking system is transforming how you access your gas refill in today’s society. There are so many problems that people be facing back then that made it so hard to make a book easily. For example, there are instances where people could lose track of their gas and some other issues. There are so many advantages that you get with using the Indane Gas online booking system and some other exciting features. 


What documents are needed to apply for Indane Gas online booking?

To be eligible to apply for a refill, you will need to have certain documents for you to make a gas booking online. The first document you will need is the proof of address documents that is the identity card, passport, driving license, or any other document. The other document you will need is the document that proves your identity.

Where do you find the list of dealerships and distributors?

For you to make a purchase, you will need to have a dealer in your area so that you can easily make a book. The Indane Gas online booking offers you a list of several dealers that you can find around your area. On the Indane Gas website, you will be able to find a whole list of these dealers in your geographical area to choose from. 

What is the standard cylinder size for an Indane LPG cylinder?

An Indane LPG cylinder comes in 5 kg and 14.2 kg variants for domestic use. For industrial use, it is available in a 19 kg variant as well.